Chapter 985
If she is not strong enough and tries to do it reluctantly, she will be bullied by the students instead.

If this little beauty was bullied by the students, with Bai Yeling's character of protecting the calf, he would definitely tear him down as a student in a fit of anger.

The Demon Realm Supreme demolished his academy like a bamboo shoot.

He couldn't afford to take such a huge risk.

"If you're worried that I won't be able to do the job, why don't we make a bet and give me a three-day internship period. During these three days, I'll prove whether I'm up to the job. If I'm not up to the job, I'll leave automatically." Jing Ge said .

Gong Xu couldn't help but look at her with admiration again with his full confidence.

She was indeed the woman Bai Yeling had his eyes on, and she was completely incomparable with those coquettish bastards.

"All right, for Bai Yeling's sake, I'll give you this chance for three days. Whether you can stay or not depends on your strength," Gong Xu said.

"It's a deal." Jing Ge said.

In her last life, Jing Ge was a pharmacist at the level of a medicine fairy. In this life, she was just worried that she would be too popular and be noticed by others, so she followed the steps step by step, using the level that others could accept, to control her medicine little by little. Unleash your strength.

Normally, no matter how talented a teenage girl is, it is impossible for her to reach the level of a medicine fairy in one step, so she should not be too aggressive.

If she rashly reveals that she has the talent of an alchemist at the level of a medicine fairy, what awaits her is definitely not a good thing, perhaps an unfathomable abyss.

If it gets serious, maybe someone who knows the taboo of offering sacrifices will tell about her soul being replaced.

If she is still alone, it doesn't matter if she is exposed or not, but now she has a grandfather and uncle who love her, no matter it is for them or for herself, she must not let them know that the original Jing Ge is dead. Jing Ge is just a person who has lived three lives.

One life is modern, one life is different world, and another life is here.

The three-day assessment time is already very loose for Jing Ge. Normally, she only needs half a day to impress Gong Xu and beg her to become the lecturer of the alchemist of this academy.

However, she can't take risks, and seeking stability is what she needs to do now.

"It's getting late today. I've asked someone to arrange a place for you to live in. After a while, you go down and wash up. When the time comes, I will ask someone to invite you out for dinner. You have worked hard on the long journey, so rest first. One night, until tomorrow, I will arrange someone to take you to work in your respective branches."

Gong Xu was delighted when Bai Yeling came to his door to work for him, but his joy was compromised by the fact that he had to be paired with a little beauty who looked like just a vase.

But fortunately, it's only three days. If she can't do it, she can quit voluntarily in three days.

Thinking of this, Gong Xu felt happy again.

Jing Ge and others returned to the room.

Hao Xinyue came to Jingge's room with Langming in her arms, and said, "Ge'er, you are too risky. This is Tianlan College. The students are all from Kyushu. Most of them have strong backgrounds. We are born in this place. For those who are not familiar, if you offend the dignitaries of Tianlan City, how can you protect yourself?"

Hao Xingyue was worried about Jing Ge, afraid that she would be bullied.

She was annoyed that she was incompetent and could not help Ge'er, but she didn't want to watch Ge'er go into danger with her own eyes. After much deliberation, she decided to persuade Ge'er again.

(End of this chapter)

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