First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 988 I want to chat with you

Chapter 988 I want to chat with you
Kung fu has been practiced.

It's a pity that the master is not around, so I can't see his current progress and changes.

One year, when I was with the master, I always felt that the days passed quickly, but when I was not with the master, I realized that a year is actually very long, so long that people feel that every minute and every second is suffering .

Almost every night when he couldn't sleep, Meng Feifei would look at the moon outside the window, wondering whether the master would happen to be looking at the same moon as him at this moment?

This is the only time of day when he feels better.

He wanted to see his master, but also wanted to become stronger.

The master gave him this opportunity to come to Tianlan Academy to make him stronger, so Meng Feifei has never wasted time, he has been working hard to make himself stronger, stronger, and stronger.

Except for eating and sleeping, the rest of the time was used by him for cultivation.

So he progressed faster than anyone.

He has his own talent, but this speed of progress depends more on his diligence and hard work.

You can't do it without hard work.

Because he is a cultivator with a window of more than ten years.

When everyone else was young and famous, Meng Feifei hadn't embarked on the journey of cultivating immortality.

Although someone later introduced him to the way of cultivating immortals, it was only limited to the introduction. In the following time, he was just groping around, so his progress was very slow.

It wasn't until he recognized his master that his journey of cultivating immortality was officially on the right track.

Start to get systematic training.

Meng Feifei has never complained of suffering or grievance, he followed the voice in his heart, kept getting stronger, and seized every opportunity to make himself stronger.

"You haven't slept yet? Who are you waiting for? Waiting for me?"

Gong Xu's face suddenly appeared outside the window, standing at the window, showing a slight smile to Meng Feifei through the window.

Meng Feifei withdrew his thoughts, and looked at Gong Xu expressionlessly, "Although your face is worthless, you shouldn't throw it away casually, dirtying the environment."

Gong Xu: "... sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

"The dean is looking for me so late, what's the matter?" Meng Feifei said indifferently.

"I can't sleep, I want to chat with you."

Just as Gong Xu finished speaking, Meng Feifei stretched out his hand to close the window, but Gong Xu quickly stopped him, "Oh, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Gong Xu was ashamed, is this guy an ice cube?On such a hot day, even ice cubes should melt, right?
"Let's talk." Meng Feifei looked down at the hand that was held down by Gong Xu, then pulled it back, and wiped it with a towel over and over again in disgust.

The corners of Gong Xu's eyes twitched, he tried his best to comfort himself, and then said: "Tomorrow you will get a new lecturer, that guy is very good, you can learn more from him."

"En." Meng Feifei's voice was still indifferent.

"Huh? Is it just huh? Don't you even wonder who it is?" Gong Xu suddenly felt powerless. He was still waiting for him to ask who it was, so that he could answer the conversation smoothly and continue chatting.

But it was obvious that Meng Feifei didn't want to chat with him, not even a word more.

"If you have nothing else to say, then I'm going to close the window and go to sleep." Meng Feifei gestured to close the window again.

"You want to sleep with the windows closed on such a hot day?" Gong Xu asked in disbelief.

"I'm happy." Meng Feifei said.

Gong Xu: "..." Hmm, he really likes this arrogant and indifferent expression, but it's a pity that he can't hold him in his arms, alas, that guy Bai Yeling irritated him enough during the day.

He didn't know when he would have the opportunity to take Feifei and show it off to that guy Bai Yeling.

(End of this chapter)

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