First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 990 How can there be such a handsome person

Chapter 990 How can there be such a handsome person

The old naughty teacher's words drew a lot of teasing voices.

After such a conversation, no one talked indiscriminately in the next class, and no one wandered off. Even the sleepy people lifted their spirits and began to listen to the old man's lecture attentively.

Seeing this, the old man became more and more absorbed in the lecture.

"That's the end of this class. The teacher of the next class will come in an incense stick of time. You all pay attention, don't scare the new teachers, especially the female students, remember not to drool. A group of students Drooling in groups is a very shameful thing, understand?"

The old man's words aroused ridicule again.

Among such noisy voices, only Meng Feifei sat in his seat calmly from beginning to end.

It seemed that nothing could change his expression.

And the students around are obviously used to such a cold Meng Feifei, and no one would come over to strike up a conversation with him without knowing the interest.

Meng Feifei used his aloofness to build a wall of defense and let himself have a small quiet space.

The calm young man was the first to stand up quickly when he saw the man walking in from the door.

These people had been studying together for a year, and it was the first time they saw Meng Feifei who was so restless. This shock far surpassed the freshness brought by the new teacher who came in at the door.

Of course, before they noticed the new teacher's face, they were caught by Meng Feifei who suddenly stood up.

Meng Feifei sat in the middle of the front. He stood up and stared at Bai Yeling dumbfounded.

It took a long time to find his own voice, and he said, "You, why did you come here? Where is my master?" He felt that if the demon king appeared here, the master must also come.

He didn't think about why the master came suddenly. Now his mind is full of: Master is here, I will see the master soon, I haven't seen you for a year, I don't know if the master misses me?What should I say when I meet the master for the first time?
By the way, let the master see his progress, show the master his achievements this year, yes, and cook a meal for the master.

I haven't cooked for the master for such a long time, I don't know if the master still remembers the taste of his cooking.

Many thoughts flashed through Meng Feifei's mind in an instant, so much so that he kept forgetting to sit down.

Bai Yeling glanced at Meng Feifei, feeling displeased at the longing for Geer in his eyes.

He strode in and tapped on the blackboard.

"Hi students, I'm your new substitute teacher, and the teaching time is only ten days, so you don't need to know me, and you don't need to know my name, and you don't need to say hello when you see me on the road, understand?

If you understand, we will start the class now. "

Bai Yeling's strange words successfully diverted the eyes of the students from Meng Feifei.


"Wow, Wocao, is this a human? Is this an angel? This mother is too handsome."

"Yeah, I agree. He's really handsome. I didn't expect to see such a handsome man in my lifetime. I really don't regret dying."

"So handsome, so handsome, Nyonya, I am so handsome that my legs are weak, how could there be such a handsome person!"

"Master, is she here too?" Meng Feifei walked out excitedly and walked to Bai Yeling.

He wants to see the master!
There was a pang in his heart, and his desire to see the master was so strong that he couldn't think.

(End of this chapter)

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