Chapter 992 Doubt
Jing Ge's voice was very light, as if he was talking about a very common thing, but these words fell on everyone's hearts like a shocking stone.

A few people who were relatively close to Ye Yuecheng even approached Ye Yuecheng and asked him in a low voice if this matter was true.

Ye Yuecheng became angry from embarrassment, glared at the man fiercely, and roared: "This woman is with Meng Feifei, do you dare to believe her words? Don't be deceived by her harmless appearance. At the drug conference, she was the one who really poisoned the people with excellent grades.

I was also one of the people who was poisoned by her, and I almost fell for it. Fortunately, my junior sister broke through her trick in time, otherwise you would not have met me. "

Ye Yuecheng had always acted as a melancholy student in Tianlan College. At this time, he was pretending to be sad, which easily attracted the students in the same school, especially the female students.

These female students glared at Jing Ge angrily, grabbed the things in their hands, and threw them at Jing Ge's standing position indiscriminately.

Jing Ge just glanced coldly, and was about to dodge when a tall figure rushed in and stood in front of her with brisk steps.

For a moment, Jing Ge thought it was Bai Yeling who had come, but after smelling a different smell, she realized that it was not Bai Yeling, but Meng Feifei who hadn't seen him for a long time.

It's just that Meng Feifei shouldn't be still in class at this time?How did this kid get here?
Meng Feifei looked much stronger, and his height was much taller than before. It seemed that his whole aura was much stronger.

Jing Ge looked at Meng Feifei from behind, while Meng Feifei swept all the students in the school with his cold eyes, especially those women who wanted to throw things at his master.

"Although the master taught me to cherish women and not to hit women casually unless it is absolutely necessary, he also told me that in special circumstances, when encountering a woman with a particularly bad heart, I don't need to be soft-hearted. I, Meng Feifei, let the words go Here, anyone who dares to bully my master will have trouble with me, Meng Feifei.

No matter if it's a man or a woman, I can hit as many times as you want. Also, those who wanted to throw something at my master just now apologize to my master immediately, otherwise I don't mind pressing your neck to force you to apologize.

I, Meng Feifei, will do what I say, you better not test my patience, my patience is not very good. "Meng Feifei's gaze, like the tip of a knife, swept over them one by one.

When the women met Meng Feifei's sight, they trembled in fright.

On the contrary, the more thoughtful male compatriots heard the key to the problem, and he said: "This new lecturer is Meng Feifei's master? No wonder he is so powerful. To be able to teach such a powerful master as Meng Feifei must be very good."

One stone caused a thousand waves.

What this person said made people who had turned to Ye Yuecheng's side just now begin to doubt the authenticity of Ye Yuecheng's words, and some even directly questioned Ye Yuecheng.

"Ye Yuecheng, is what you said just now true?" The person who spoke was called Li Min, who had disliked Ye Yuecheng a long time ago, and he and Ye Yuecheng could be said to be rivals, their strength levels were similar, The assessment is always ranked first, so the two have not seen each other for a long time.

Naturally, Li Min would not let go of the opportunity to ridicule Ye Yuecheng.

"That's right, Ye Yuecheng, didn't you mean to slander others on purpose? Could it be that you were the one who poisoned him back then? You were afraid that the new beauty teacher would tell you about your evil deeds, so you became angry from embarrassment and wanted to Let's act first and slander the reputation of the beauty teacher, so that we don't trust the beauty teacher and trust you instead?"

(End of this chapter)

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