Chapter 994
Thinking of some things that happened in this world, Jing Ge's eyes faded a lot.

"You are so courageous, don't think that you can be compared to me just because you are that shit princess, I am the daughter of the biggest Tianlan city lord on the Zhongzhou road, and I have never even heard of your name. "

"There are so many things you haven't heard of. To tell you the truth, the Demon Lord is still my partner." Jing Ge looked at the woman calmly with her eyes, her thin lips parted slightly, and her tone was flat.

Not much emotional change.

"Ah, wait for me." The woman pushed the table away angrily, and rushed out.

It looks like you want to go home and find my father to beat you to death.

Jing Ge looked at the back of her running away, and shook her head in distaste. She was another flower in a greenhouse, and she wanted to find her parents when she had trouble.

No prospects.

"Where are the rest?" Meng Feifei's eyes were sharp, scanning every woman who threw something, not a single one was spared.

Seeing what happened to the city lord's daughter, these people didn't dare to speak out any dissatisfaction. For the sake of their own face, they had to apologize.

Wait for them to pay attention to the apology.

Ye Yuecheng hid quietly behind her, planning to leave quietly.

But Meng Feifei saw through his plan early in the morning, and when Ye Yuecheng came out, he quickly stopped in front of Ye Yuecheng, and before Ye Yuecheng could react, he directly hit Ye Yuecheng in the eye with his fist.

Ye Yuecheng covered a blackened face, wailed, and then saw that it was Meng Feifei, and cursed angrily: "Fuck, Meng Feifei, do you want to die? Don't think that there is a dean Protecting you from behind, I dare not deal with you!"

"Treat me? You are welcome to do it." Meng Feifei raised one corner of his mouth and said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, Meng Feifei's next fist met Ye Yuecheng's other eye, successfully giving him a pair of dark circles, and the second fist brushed Ye Yuecheng's broken cheekbone not long ago. The wound that was easy to stop bleeding began to bleed again.

Ye Yuecheng touched her cheekbones and touched a hand full of blood, "Ah, you fucking, I'll kill you."

Ye Yuecheng yelled, and rushed towards Meng Feifei like a mad dog, and the two scuffled together instantly.

But self-cultivation is Meng Feifei's strong point, plus he has worked hard to exercise his body, so Ye Yuecheng is not Meng Feifei's opponent at all, only a few rounds, Ye Yuecheng was subdued by Meng Feifei.

He was beaten to the ground by Meng Feifei, twisted one of his hands on his back, and said coldly: "Don't mention him in front of me."

When Jing Ge heard the words, she faintly felt that there was a story she didn't know, so she frowned slightly.

Just when he was about to ask Meng Feifei what happened.

Ye Yuecheng, who was pressed to the ground by Meng Feifei, suddenly backhanded and sprinkled a pile of powder on Meng Feifei.

Meng Feifei held his breath subconsciously, but he still inhaled some unavoidably.

"Feifei." Jing Ge rushed over, trying to protect Meng Feifei. Meng Feifei was worried that the powder would be sucked in by her, so he stopped Jing Ge's actions.

"Master, don't come here, I'm fine."

In fact, he already felt the heat in his body, and the water in his body turned into sweat, which quickly evaporated. After a while, his back was completely wet.

Even his forehead was covered with sweat.

"What the hell did you poison me with?" Meng Feifei felt powerless, his body began to weaken, his limbs were limp, and he fell to the ground.

Before he passed out, it felt as if he had fallen into someone's arms.

The man's strong hands embraced his crumbling body from behind——

(End of this chapter)

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