Chapter 999 Coexisting in the same room

When Meng Feifei woke up, he felt much more refreshed.

He rolled over and got up, and when he got out of bed, he almost stepped on Gong Xu, who was sleeping on the floor, the dean of Tianlan College, who was wronged and fell asleep on the ground. After falling asleep, he looked very innocent.

Meng Feifei just took a look, then carefully raised his foot to step over him, and walked towards the door.

He went back to his residence, washed up, changed into clean clothes, and then rushed to Jing Ge's residence.

Jing Ge was thinking about Meng Feifei's situation, she didn't sleep very soundly at night, and she woke up when the sun showed her belly.

The moment he woke up, he saw an extraordinary handsome face, Bai Yeling's face was very close to hers, so close that if he moved forward a little, they could kiss each other.

The scorching breath breathed out by each other made Jing Ge's mind a little confused.

A blush gradually crept up the cheeks.

The heartbeat also became a little faster.

Just when Jing Ge was hesitating for a long time whether to kiss secretly, Bai Yeling spoke suddenly, his eyes closed tightly, and he said, "Ma'am, how about a good morning kiss?"

One sentence dispelled all the courage that Jing Ge had accumulated so hard, Jing Ge pushed Bai Yeling away, turned over and sat up on the bed, put on his shoes, pulled the coat on the screen next to him and put it on...

The action is complete.

Bai Yeling supported his head and stared at her leisurely, "It's still early, why don't you get more sleep?"

Jing Ge turned to look at him, pretending to be indifferent and said: "I'm going to see Feifei, you can sleep by yourself." Then she walked towards the door.

Before he reached the door, he heard footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.

Jing Ge opened the door and saw Meng Feifei standing outside. Meng Feifei was very excited when he saw the master who was thinking about it day and night, "Master." Thousands of words turned into a call.

Meng Feifei made a gesture to hug Jing Ge, and stretched out a big hand, directly touching Meng Feifei's shoulder blade, his eyes darkened: "Just say hello, hug or something, did you ask me to agree? Of course, you can Impossible to agree."

Meng Feifei's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Bai Yeling in disbelief. He looked at Bai Yeling for a while, and then turned his eyes to look at Jing Ge, "Master, why is he in your room?"

Jing Ge: "..." How would she answer this question?Because she was too used to it, she never thought about whether it was appropriate or not?
Bai Yeling seemed to see the entanglement in Jing Ge's eyes, and quickly leaned on her waist, facing Meng Feifei, swearing the initiative: "We are dating, mature men and women are dating in the same room, why do you think?"

Bai Yeling originally wanted to talk about adult men and women, but when he was about to speak, he thought that his little daughter-in-law was not yet an adult, so he immediately changed the words to express the same meaning.

Although they were just chatting under the quilt, Meng Feifei didn't know that just hearing Bai Yeling's words made him clenched his fists in anger.

If it wasn't for the master not showing resistance, he would definitely break Bai Yeling's nose with a punch.

In Meng Feifei's eyes, his master is the existence like that delicate flower, and Bai Yeling is the stinky cow dung. To be precise, the cunning man who wants to get close to his master is all rotten cow dung!

How could these rotten bullshits be worthy of his flowery and jade-like master?
Thinking of this, Meng Feifei looked at Bai Yeling with hostility.

(End of this chapter)

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