My school grass is very versatile

Chapter 222 A Night Alone!

Chapter 222 A Night Alone!
The host only spoke halfway through, and then couldn't continue.

Looking at the numbers on the big screen, she suddenly had the urge to faint!
The audience at the scene was also stunned for a while, and then they couldn't help jumping up from their chairs!

Netizens watching the live broadcast also stared wide-eyed at this moment, gasping for air.

The scene fell into an eerie silence, and only the rapid breathing of everyone could be heard in the silence.

After about half a minute, the entire network and the entire studio exploded in an instant!
"Oh my god, this is too exaggerated!"

"Although I admit that Eleven Young Master's song is very good, it's too unreasonable!"

"My little heart, why don't you be so exciting!"


Looking at the numbers on the big screen, everyone couldn't believe it.Even the fans of Young Master Eleven couldn't accept it.

Backstage in Zhao Xinhao's dressing room, the faces of the four of them were pale at the moment.Zhao Xinhao himself even sat down on the ground, muttering non-stop: How is it possible, how is it possible!

No one can accept it, because that number is too incredible!

300 million to 34...

Su Chen unexpectedly led by nearly ten times the number of votes!

You know, she and Zhao Xinhao's fans are not at the same level.Moreover, Su Chen was beaten by everyone before!
How could such a song get so many votes?
In fact, this can only be blamed on Zhao Xinhao's own death. If he hadn't called in three helpers so shamelessly, even if he was not Su Chen's opponent due to the quality of his song, the difference would not be so much.

But in reality, there is no what-if, and his current fate is completely caused by himself!
This slap was too hard, and it hurt too much!
Out of the corner of Zhao Xinhao's eyes, he looked at Su Chen who was standing in the center of the stage. At this moment, Su Chen's thin figure made him extremely terrified!
He was really scared, and from then on, he never had the slightest thought of going against Su Chen.

The four judges were also dumbfounded, and then there were waves of fear.

Fortunately, they are still fair today, otherwise... With the explosive popularity of Su Chen's song, if they can't handle it well, it will be the rhythm of the public enemy of the whole network!

They are not Su Chen, they don't have the courage to fight against the whole network!

After the madness, there is a deep excitement!

"Ahhh, I knew it, I knew the young master would definitely be number one!"

"My mother asked me why I watched TV on my knees, and I said: It's really amazing!"

"Wow wow wow, young master is mighty and domineering, this face hit me is really cool!"

"Haha, some people may faint in the toilet crying, you say you are cheap, how come you don't have a long memory after being slapped so many times? You dare to provoke? You provoke another one and I'll see!"

"Young master is already super god. This is definitely not the popularity that a rookie can have. Even a person who debuted for five or six years may not have such a big appeal!"

The most excited ones are none other than Su Chen's fans.They are really proud to have such a high-quality idol.

How could they not like such a handsome idol?
The host was also very excited, and after taking a closer look at the big screen, he said excitedly: "Congratulations to Mr. Eleven for winning No.1 in this competition with an absolute advantage!"

"Congratulations, young master, for getting the qualification to directly advance to the finals!"

Perhaps it was because of being too excited that the host's voice trembled slightly.

Tonight... is destined to be Su Chen's night alone!
 Huh~ This paragraph has been written.

(End of this chapter)

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