Chapter 332

She didn't know all about Gu Mingchen's conspiracy in the last life, but now it seems that Gu Mingchen will definitely use any means to get revenge.

This result, I am afraid that it can only end if you hang on to me.

"How could I be willing to blame you? If something really happened, it must be because I didn't plan well. But, in order for me to plan well, you should tell me the truth. What's the secret between you and Gu Mingchen?" Gu Jingting asked road.

"The secret... is... I was born again."

"What do you mean?" Gu Jingting asked puzzled.

"In my last life, I fell for you, and then I fell for myself, and all of this was Gu Mingchen's conspiracy. I don't know why, but I came back to life and became the current Chiyunxi." Chiyunxi said this In a word, she herself felt ridiculous.

Will he believe it?

Gu Jingting really had an unbelievable expression on his face.

He paused for a long time before saying, "After death, is there a possibility of rebirth? This is unscientific."

"But this is the truth. Didn't you say that I appeared in your dream? You have had a dream for several years, how can you explain it scientifically? What you dreamed was the memory of your previous life." Chi Yunxi said.

"Memories from the previous life?" Gu Jingting muttered, since she appeared, he hasn't had that dream.

A dream that appeared inexplicably for five years has no scientific basis.

After a while, Gu Jingting asked again: "Gu Mingchen... was born again?"

"Yes." Chi Yunxi nodded, "That's why he threatened with this."

"What's so threatening?" Gu Jingting asked in confusion.

"Because... I had a special identity in my last life, I was a member of the Royal Wing Team..." Chi Yunxi told Gu Jingting about her identity, whether he believed it or not, she said it first.

After listening to Chi Yunxi's so-called identity and rebirth, Gu Jingting sat quietly on the bed for a long time.

For a moment, he couldn't digest the information.

Seeing him sitting so calmly suddenly, Chi Yunxi felt a little cold in his heart.

She sat up and grabbed the clothes cover, inexplicably feeling a little sore in her heart.

Would he think that she was crazy, and she said such incomprehensible gossip?
But it's hard for anyone to believe this kind of thing.

"You don't believe me?" Chi Yunxi couldn't help sitting next to him and asked.

"It's not..." Gu Jingting shook his head.

"Then what is your expression?"

"It's just a little accident, it will be like this." Gu Jingting said, reaching out and hugging her on his lap.

The upstairs said, "That's why you avoided me like that at first."


"So, we have had children, or two." Gu Jingting lowered his head
"Yeah." Chi Yunxi nodded, his heart was hot, and tears filled his eyes.

Her two poor children had no chance to come to this world, so they died with her.

Gu Jingting stabilized the corners of her eyes with distress.

"It doesn't matter, we will definitely have children, and we will let them be born well and grow up well." Gu Jingting hugged her tightly, although it was unbelievable, but he felt it was true.

Everything that happened now became very reasonable because of this explanation.

"I don't want you to go to school anymore, and I don't want to be separated from you for a moment." Gu Jingting said suddenly, lowering his head and holding her lips.


Early on Monday morning, Gu Jingting was going to the martial arts gym for a regular meeting.

So after he sent Chi Yunxi to the school, he went directly to the martial arts hall.

The regular meeting lasted only half an hour. After the meeting, Gu Jingting called the people from the martial arts gym for a small meeting.

Someone discovered that Su Quan and Xiong Guo, who have always been inseparable, only saw Su Quan today, but not Xiong Guo.

Everyone looked at Su Quan gossipingly.

The eyes are asking, where is your other half?
Su Quan glanced at them and didn't bother to pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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