Chapter 334

"Then you are really destined." Chi Yunxi said.

"Yes, sister-in-law, the boss sent me to protect you, you take these things." Xiong Guo said, then took off the backpack, took out a box from the bag and handed it to her.

"The style is chosen by the boss, if it's ugly, don't blame me." Xiong Guo said.

Chi Yunxi opened the box, and saw a necklace, a bracelet, a ring, and a pair of earrings lying inside. The material seemed to be made of metal, not something expensive, but a very ordinary shape.

Xiongguo glanced at it and said, "Isn't it a bit ugly?"

"Fortunately, it's simple and generous, but how do you use it?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"How does sister-in-law know that it's for use?" Xiong Guo asked in surprise, feeling that sister-in-law's IQ is really high, and he hasn't said anything yet.

"It's not for use, so he wouldn't give me such an ordinary thing." Chi Yunxi said with some pride, if Gu Jingting wants to give her a gift, he must give it himself, and he wants the most expensive one.

Otherwise, how could it be worthy of his style?
Xiongguo grinned, touched his heart, and said in a low voice: "Why do I feel like I ate dog food again out of nowhere?"

Chi Yunxi raised her eyebrows, said seriously, "Stop talking nonsense, there will be classes later, how do I use these?"

Bearberry immediately said: "Bracelets, necklaces, and earrings all have their own positions."

"Three positions?" Chi Yunxi stared, was Gu Jingting afraid that she would be thrown into outer space?
"Yeah, just in case, if you lose one, there will be two, and if you lose two, there will be one. The probability of three being together is not so high." Bearberry laughed.

Chi Yunxi thought so, and put on the bracelet.

After wearing it, I found that this bracelet is quite beautiful.

Xiong Guo said: "There is a button here on the bracelet, first twist and then press, and a thin steel wire will pop out."

Chi Yunxi tried to press the mechanism, and heard a very slight click, and a thin steel wire popped out. The thin steel wire is very sharp, and it can cut a person's throat. This is a sharp weapon for a person.

"This is good, I like this." Chi Yunxi said.

"There is a buckle in the ring, which can be stuck with the joint of this steel wire, so that you don't have to worry about cutting yourself."

According to what Xiongguo said, Chi Yunxi snapped the buckle on the ring, the two connectors were still magnetic, and when they got close to him, they stuck together, and automatically twisted and stuck.

She stretched the steel wire, and Xiong Guo said: "The steel wire is two meters long and weighs three hundred catties."

"Yeah." Chi Yunxi nodded, and pressed the ring onto the bracelet. The buckle was just closed. She twisted her finger, and the buckle returned to the bracelet by itself. The operation is very simple.

"Under the symbol of the ring is a poisonous needle. As long as you touch it, you will faint within three seconds. The antidote is in the bracelet, this place."

Chi Yunxi looked at the front of the ring, there was a small letter T, the T could be moved, as long as it was broken, there was a very small needle inside, with poison on it.

"If you accidentally touch it, you should prick yourself for the antidote." Xiong Guo laughed.

"I'm not that stupid." Chi Yunxi said.

"Hee hee, my sister-in-law must be smart. The earrings are for communication. The one on the left is a switch, and the one on the right is for communication."

Chi Yunxi immediately put on all these things.

"What about the necklace?"

"I hid a small scumbag in the pendant."

"Is that okay? You won't blow me up, will you?"

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, my design will never go wrong, and it will not automatically boom under any circumstances." Xiong Guo said while patting his chest.

"Then how can it be bang bang?"

(End of this chapter)

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