Chapter 343

"It's because you don't have a relationship with the opposite sex, and you still blame me for being popular?" Chi Yunxi asked sarcastically.

"You don't have a relationship with the opposite sex!"

"You have a relationship with the opposite sex, why don't you find a boyfriend yourself, what are you looking forward to doing with my boyfriend? Let me tell you, this man is mine, if you don't want to die, you'd better not even look at it." Chi Yunxi stared fiercely , took a step in front of Chi Liuli.

As soon as Chi Liuli stepped back, she bumped into the bed, couldn't stand still, and fell down on the bed.

"I didn't accuse you, young master, she even took gifts from other men, and she wore them on her body." Chi Liuli pointed at Chi Yunxi's neck.

Around her neck was a gift from another man.

Gu Jingting glanced at it and said, "I gave it to you."

"What?" Chi Liuli was startled, almost biting her own tongue.

"Sister Liuli, can you stop being so narrow-minded?" Chi Yunxi said, stretching out his hand to her neck, choking her neck.

"What do you want?" Chi Liuli yelled.

With a hard push, Chi Yunxi pushed Chi Liuli onto the bed. She pinched her neck and pressed her down, preventing her from getting up.

"Let go of me..." Chi Liuli cried out struggling.

"The school doctor said that my sister needs to eat some white sugar to get better." Chi Yunxi said with a smile, bit off the bag of white sugar, and poured the white sugar into Chi Liuli's mouth.

" go...let me go..."

Chi Yunxi poured a whole bag of sugar into her mouth, then angrily threw the bag towards her face.

"Ah... cough cough... wow... Chiyunxi... you... cough cough..." Chi Liuli was stuffed with sugar and choked.

She felt insulted and cried uncomfortably.

"You still have the face to cry, don't you have any plans in your heart?" Chi Yunxi asked angrily, what is her intention to sow discord here?
She wanted to separate the two of them, she had a good idea!
"I'll tell grandpa!" Chi Liuli called.

"You go, but don't forget to tell grandpa what you said to the young master just now, are you trying to take advantage of us by sowing discord?" Chi Yunxi asked disdainfully.

"Nonsense!" Chi Liuli blushed, and secretly glanced at Gu Jingting. He was really ashamed to see her in such a mess.

"Nonsense? I don't think I'm talking nonsense. Things like mistresses are inherited. Your mother is mistress, and so are you!" Chi Yunxi gritted her teeth and gave her a hard look.

"You..." Chi Liuli pointed at Chi Yunxi, before she could speak, Chi Yunxi slapped her hand away.

"Stop playing tricks on me, or I'll kill you!" Chi Yunxi warned in a low voice.

Chi Liuli's eyes widened in fright, but she didn't dare to speak.

Chi Yunxi's face turned cold, with an unspeakable glamorousness.

It seems to be - people...

Chi Yunxi gave her a blank look, and it would be best to scare her from acting rashly, otherwise it would be really annoying to do such small actions every day.

Chi Yunxi turned around, waved his hand, and said, "Let's go."

Gu Jingting didn't look at Chi Liuli, and followed Chi Yunxi out.

As soon as they left, Chi Liuli threw herself on the bed and burst into tears.

After leaving the infirmary, Gu Jingting reached out and took her hand.

Chi Yunxi looked over, but didn't speak, the two walked hand in hand on the green path.

Now is the time for class, all the schools are very quiet, and there are not many classes in physical education.

The two of them walked in the shade without being disturbed by others.

"Your sister doesn't like you very much?" Gu Jingting asked.

(End of this chapter)

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