Chapter 363

Chi Liuli was not implicated, but all the students in the class knew that Chi Liuli stole the monitor's mobile phone and wanted to harm Chi Yunxi.

Chi Liuli knew it, so she didn't dare to go to school at all, but she didn't want to transfer, if she just left, she would really lose.

So Chi Liuli was locked up at home for a few days, and she said she was going to school, but in fact she was just wandering outside the school and didn't have the courage to enter the school yet.

Chiyunxi is different, she goes to school happily every day, and is happily picked up by Gu Jingting.

The classmates in the class liked her more and more, and everyone got along happily.

Chi Liuli had existed in this class for almost three years, but during this period of time, it seemed as if he had disappeared from everyone's memory.

No one remembers her.

Several times, Chi Liuli was wandering outside the school gate, just in time for school to leave, and saw Chi Yunxi walking out with a group of classmates talking and laughing together.

Then sweetly hugged and kissed Gu Jingting loudly, got into the car and left together.

Her happiness, her all.

It made her mad with jealousy.

She also desires that she can be liked by everyone, and also desires to have a boyfriend who loves her.


Everything she desires, including grandpa's love.

None of it is hers.

It's all Chiyunxi's!
She was really heartbroken, why was God so unfair, originally all of this belonged to her, but when Chi Yunxi appeared.

She becomes an outsider.

Chi Liuli looked at Chi Yunxi who was walking away, gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists, really wanting to kill her.

But what can she do?
Just when Chi Liuli was so angry that she didn't know what to do, someone suddenly patted her on the shoulder.

As soon as she turned around, she was grabbed by the neck, covered her mouth, and quickly pulled her away.


The man pulled her into an alley next to the school before letting go.

Chi Liuli looked at the man and exclaimed in surprise: "Jiang Yaowei? got out?"

"The family spent some money to get me out." Jiang Yaowei said, wanting to come to her as soon as he came out, not knowing how she was doing.

But looking at her now, she should be fine.

"Oh, then, that's good." Chi Liuli didn't have much to say to him, and turned around to leave.

Jiang Yaowei quickly grabbed her hand and said, "Don't go, I haven't finished talking yet."

"What do you want to say?" Chi Liuli asked, shaking off his hand.

"Liuli, are you angry with me? I didn't betray you on purpose, I also wanted to come out sooner." Jiang Yaowei explained.

Chi Liuli remembered this, pointed at him and said: "By the way, if you don't tell me, I'll forget about it. I said how the people from Chayuan came to my house. It turned out that you betrayed me!"

"I have no other choice, otherwise how would I get out?" Jiang Yaowei hurriedly explained.

"I don't care if you can get out, it's okay if you can't do such a little thing well, you are not loyal enough, you even betrayed me, don't pester me in the future, I look down on you!" Chi Liuli cursed angrily, turned around and walked away. Walk.

"Liuli, Liuli, forgive me, forgive me." Jiang Yaowei chased Chi Liuli and said.

"Go away, don't talk to you, if you didn't harm me, people from Chayuan wouldn't go to my house!" Chi Liuli said angrily.

"Can't I be wrong? I won't betray you in the future." Jiang Yaowei begged for mercy.

"There's no future, I won't talk to you anymore." Chi Liuli said.

"Don't do this." Jiang Yaowei grabbed her arm and didn't let go.

Chi Liuli turned around in displeasure and slapped him across the face.

"Crack." The sound was so loud.

The people outside the alley all looked over.

Jiang Yaowei was stunned, he didn't expect to get such a slap all of a sudden.

The face is hot.

Chi Liuli was very angry, and vented all the anger of the past few days in this slap.

(End of this chapter)

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