Chapter 398

In this world, she was the only one who didn't want to make grandpa sad.

For this point, Gu Jingting really has to be ranked second.

This is the only one who has a blood relationship with her and really cares about her.

Blood relationship is a wonderful thing.

Just because the same DNA in the blood will make two people feel more connected.

Even if Chi Liuli hurt her like this, she never wanted to hurt her.

Maybe it's because she hung up before, so she understands what death is.

Death is a despair, an extreme fear.

But the real death is not painful, because at the moment of closing the eyes, all the feelings of the previous life disappeared.

To be tortured alive is the greatest pain.

It was also because she was so desperate to commit suicide that she cherished life even more after her rebirth.

Know more about the meaning of life.

No matter how painful things are, as long as life continues, the pain will become a thing of the past.

Life is new every day, in fact, if she hadn't chosen to die in the previous life.

So what's next in life?
And now, what is the rest of her life?
No matter what it is, she will try to protect those she wants to protect.

Chi Zhen saw that she seemed to really understand, and felt relieved.

Chi Zhen said: "Let Chi Liuli stay in prison for a while, and grandpa will find someone to get her out, but don't worry, grandpa will not let her stay in the country."

Chi Yunxi nodded.

Chi Zhen nodded, looking a little haggard.

They are all scolders, and they really don't want to make the situation like this.

This is already the greatest kindness to Chi Liuli.

Chi Yunxi didn't refute anything, anyway, even if Chi Liuli came out, with her IQ, she couldn't do anything.

Both Chi Zhen and her were quiet for a while.

Chi Zhencai asked, "Did Jing Ting treat you very well?"

"Well, that's fine with me."

"You have already..." Chi Zhen's eyes wandered, and he glanced at her abdomen.

Chi Yunxi smiled awkwardly and said, "Grandpa...we...have a good relationship..."

"Oh..." Chi Zhen's mouth grew into a circle.

The relationship is very good, which means that I have done everything that should be done and should not be done.

"Then when will he explain your affairs?" Chi Zhen asked.

"It was planned a long time ago, isn't it delayed because of Chi Liuli?"

"Well... Now that the matter is settled, you should hurry up. In fact, it doesn't matter if you have the marriage certificate or not. You can make it up later. If you have a good relationship, you don't have to be afraid. The certificate will prove nothing." Chi Zhen laughed. . "It would be nice to let grandpa have four generations under one roof earlier."

"Uh... not so fast..." Chi Yunxi said shyly.

"There's no rush. You're still young. In a year or so, Grandpa probably won't be able to die yet."

"Grandpa, don't keep saying that you can't die. Grandpa is so healthy that he can live another 50 years."

"Then I've become an old monster." Chi Zhen laughed.

"Grandpa will definitely accompany Yunxi until the children grow up." Chi Yunxi said.

"Haha, if only this could be done." Chi Zhen smiled, feeling better suddenly.

At this time, Gu Jingting, who was in the kitchen, eavesdropped on their conversation, and came out when he found that their topic was already relaxed and natural.

"The meal will be ready in 10 minutes. Grandpa isn't hungry yet, is he?"

"Not yet, don't worry, Jing Ting, why don't you call your parents here too." Chi Zhen said, "It's so crowded."

Chi Yunxi's eyes widened, so fast?

Gu Jingting suddenly realized something and said, "That's right, I'll call my parents to come over."

Gu Jingting took out his mobile phone, turned around and went to the side to make a call, thinking, Jiang is still old and spicy.

(End of this chapter)

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