Chapter 605

Xing Xuan took a look and said loudly: "Don't worry, I never-women and children, you can come out and play."

However, at this time, no one believed such words.

Xing Xuan didn't care, the assembly basement was ahead, and a group of people were around the house, trying to enter the house.

Suddenly a grenade rolled out.

The person who was hiding by the door and was about to rush in ran away immediately.

There was a bang of the grenade.

A child in the next room happened to stick his head out to look, and was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Xing Xuan looked over, shook his head at the child, and said, "That sister is too rude."

The little boy looked at Xing Xuan, and suddenly stopped crying, and stared at him curiously with his big eyes.

Xing Xuan raised the charge, and the people around him also raised the charge, and they shot at those people in bursts.

"Woman!" Xing Xuan roared.

Chi Yunxi walked out with a Wave Charge in one hand and two grenades in the other.

She wrapped her wrists and said, "There are so many valuable things, how do you take them away?"

Those men ran over when they heard it, and saw the assembly basement, which was more than they lost.

The rough men laughed happily.

It will take a long time to move so many things.

Those men went to rob a few cars, used other people's cars to pull other people's explosives, and sent them to their own boat.

The whole process was fun and exciting.

Chi Yunxi followed Xing Xuan and returned to the big ship together.

The sea families returned with a full load, and everyone was very excited. When they sailed back, everyone had already brought out the wine and started drinking on the bow deck.

Chi Yunxi didn't want to be crowded with those sweaty men, so she took a bottle of beer and went up to the deck on the second floor.

Sitting under the sails and drinking the sea breeze.

This kind of life is so primitive.

The primitive life of the weak and the strong, robbing, is the original way of obtaining in nature.

Looking at the happy faces of the men below, she seemed to understand a kind of happiness and freedom that she had never understood before.

Xing Xuan came up, holding a bottle of wine in his left hand and a large round saucer in his right hand.

There was barbecued meat and toast in the plate, and a large piece of barbecued meat was bigger than Chi Yunxi's face.

He handed her the plate and sat down next to her.

"How is it?" Xing Xuan asked suddenly, looking at the scenery in the distance.

Chi Yunxi took a few mouthfuls of toast, then grabbed the piece of roast meat and started to chew.

"The barbecue is not bad, but don't you have any knives, don't you know how to cut slices?"

"Everyone has a knife, if you want to slice it yourself," Xing Xuan said.

"You don't think it's dirty, you still use a man's knife to cut meat." Chi Yunxi pouted.

"Don't eat if you're afraid." Xing Xuan said.

Chiyunxi curled her lips, the roast meat was relatively hard, and she had a hard time biting it.

"What's the answer?" Xing Xuan asked.

Chi Yunxi chewed the meat without speaking, and the two of them suddenly fell silent.

Only the sea breeze blows past my ears.

Chi Yunxi ate a big piece of meat before putting down what he couldn't finish.

She wiped her hands on her clothes.

Xing Xuan glanced sideways.

This is his clothes.

Chi Yunxi ignored him, and asked nonchalantly, "You like this kind of life, even if you were given the choice, you wouldn't want to go back to land, would you?"

"What's wrong with this? I'm the biggest in the Great East, and here, I'm the rule." Xing Xuan's mouth curled up, and he replied arrogantly.

"Indeed, everyone wants a different life. What I want is a peaceful life without war." Chi Yunxi picked up the piece of baked bread and tore it in his hands, bit by bit She threw the crumbs into the dish.

(End of this chapter)

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