Chapter 610

Walking over and standing in front of her, he said viciously, "It turns out that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they will share the same bed tonight. I will give you some time to prepare yourself mentally. If you want to regret it, there is still time."

"You can keep your word." Chi Yunxi raised his eyebrows, with a face full of fearlessness.

"It's better to be so stubborn tonight." Xing Xuan slanted his mouth, turned his head and walked out.

Chi Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, she was so tired that she quickly lay down on the bed to rest.

Chi Yunxi didn't know where the cruise ship was going.

In the afternoon, she saw the land outside from the window.

They are going to land.

Chi Yunxi walked out of the room and stood outside looking at the distant scenery.

The scenery of the island is beautiful, and the scenery of a piece of nature is infinitely charming.

On the destination island, a very old castle can be seen far away.

Standing on the island, there are many small houses around it.

Could this be where Xing Xuan lives?
The largest island in the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by countless archipelagos.

Although it is an island, high-tech signal towers can be seen everywhere.

The big ship circled to the back of the island, and Chiyunxi saw more than a dozen large oil tankers parked there.

There are also countless speedboats moored around.

This scene is really spectacular.

What she looked around in this circle was only a third of the island, and there was still a large area that she couldn't see. She didn't know how many unexpected things there were.

The strongest group in the Great East is really not bragging.

After landing, the cruise ship lowered the long stairs.

Everyone disembarked.

On the shore, many children and women are waiting.

Waiting for their dad and husband.

Chi Yunxi couldn't help being a little envious when she looked at the women who hugged her husband, held tight, and smiled happily.

Simple life, waiting for lover to return.

Loving someone is as simple as that.

In the bustling city, in the rich life, there is no one's heart, and it is also empty and boring.

Xing Xuan ignored her and went down by himself.

As soon as Xing Xuan went there, many children ran over and surrounded him, as if they all liked him.

Xing Xuan smiled brightly, picked up a child and threw it into the sky, then caught it again.

Those children were all tanned, but their smiles were innocent.

Xing Xuan held a child under his armpits and walked forward.

A group of children followed him happily.

As Chiyunxi walked down, the women were surprised when they saw her.

They have lived on the island all year round and have never seen such fair-skinned women.

No matter men, women, young or old, they couldn't help but look at her a few times.

A man came up and asked in an aggressive tone, "Who are you?"

They speak their local language, but Chiyunxi probably understands them all.

Her foreign language is not bad, communication is not a problem.

It's just that those men suddenly surrounded them as if they saw delicious food.

Let Chi Yunxi take two steps back unconsciously.

They didn't know who brought her, they thought it was a woman who had been captured.

In the past, there were people who caught their fancy and captured them.

She got off the boat by herself again, so she was naturally regarded as the captured woman.

"It's Asian and looks really white."

As a man spoke, he reached out to touch her face.

Chi Yunxi stretched out his hand and swept away the hand that the man extended.

The man said a little excitedly, "What a temper."

(End of this chapter)

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