Chapter 638

Chi Yunxi burped.

Shaking his head, he said, "It's a sin... I ate too much... Chase, where is my equipment?"

Mu Zhui came over, took a look at her stomach, and said suspiciously: "If you eat like this, can the demon belt survive?"

Chi Yunxi touched his stomach, and said seriously: "I'll go to the toilet too."

"Me first, me first." Tuoba Duoer yelled and rushed over.

Mu Zhui patted Chiyunxi and said, "Go to my place."

"OK!" Chi Yunxi gestured, and went to the bathroom in Mu Zhui's rest room to solve the problem.

Gu Jingting was waiting for them in the living room, he was staring at the electronic clock on the opposite cabinet, they had to waste so much time before the task!
When they are ready to come out one by one.

Four and ten minutes had passed.

Mu Zhui came out first, carrying a long suitcase.

That was the box that contained his -

Gu Jingting couldn't help asking: "Did you all set out missions so casually in the past?"

"No." Mu Zhui said, "This time is already very urgent."

"..." Gu Jingting cast a contemptuous look.

Chi Yunxi came out and said, "Is everyone done? Act according to the original plan, and I will set off first."

"I'll come right away." Tuoba Duo'er called, but no figure was seen yet.

"Aren't you checking the time and checking the communication equipment?" Gu Jingting asked, following Chiyunxi towards the exit.

Chi Yunxi raised his hand to look at his bracelet, and said cooperatively, "It's all right."

"You guys are really joking." Gu Jingting said.

"It's good to get used to it." Chi Yunxi said, but the pace of walking in front became faster.

"What's your plan?" Gu Jingting asked beside him.

"Responsiveness." Chi Yunxi said.

"are you kidding me?"

"Haha, it really is." Chi Yunxi said mischievously.

The moment Chi Yunxi's identity was revealed, it was sealed off.

Gu Mingchen spent money to hire many elites, and even invited three or four Internet drivers on the leaderboard.

But with so many people together, after nearly five hours, there was no way to announce Chi Yunxi's identity as a member of the group on the Internet.

As long as the keyword is Chiyunxi, team member, S's, it will be deleted in seconds.

And the ID that sent these messages will be blocked immediately.

After a few hours, Gu Mingchen's ID was almost sealed.

The powerless network driver chose to give up.

When Gu Mingchen learned that the network driver had given up, he dropped his glass angrily.

"It's really useless, why is it on the ranking list?"

"Chairman, Ling Rui and Duan Bing'er...we couldn't find it." A man opened the door and walked in, saying apologetically.

"Get out of here!" Gu Mingchen said angrily.

People in the office backed out in fright.

Just when Gu Mingchen was furious, his computer suddenly turned on by itself.

Gu Mingchen walked over and moved the mouse, but there was no response at all.

He yelled, "Come on!"

The people outside rushed in.

But he immediately reached out to stop them from coming.

What appeared on his computer was his data, the data he had hidden in the watch chip.

These materials are enough to prove that he did some shady things when he represented the Gu Group in the past.

Then the next second, the video that appeared was actually a video of him making a deal with the ghost king organization.

Gu Mingchen was so angry that he grabbed the computer and threw it on the ground.

At the same time, these clips have been thrown out on the Internet, TV, and major apps.

"Chairman, it's not good..."

All the information was revealed at once, and Gu Mingchen was caught off guard.

"If you want to fight with me, go hang it, Chiyunxi!"

(End of this chapter)

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