Chapter 654

Fifth sister-in-law saw him and greeted him with a smile: "Master Kevin, do you want to have breakfast now, or just have lunch?"

"I just want to drink a bowl of porridge." Chi Kevin said.

"Yes, you sit first, I'll go to the kitchen to get it." Fifth Sister-in-Law said.

"Okay." Chi Kevin walked over and sat diagonally opposite Chi Zhen.

"Dad, have you had lunch yet?"

"Well, wait for you? I'm going to starve to death." Chi Zhen said.

Chi Kaiwen laughed and said, "I drank too much with Yunxi last night."

"It's fine if you don't want to make progress yourself, and take Xixi to drink. She is a girl, how can she drink so much?" Chi Zhen taught.

"It's my fault, it's my fault, there will be no next time." Chi Kevin quickly apologized with a good attitude.

His alcohol capacity is not bad, he is drunk until now.

Chi Kevin asked a little worriedly at this moment: "Dad, so Yunxi...hasn't woken up yet?"

As soon as he said this, Chi Zhen glared at him immediately.

He pointed at him even more displeased, and said with disgust: "Xixi is drunk, and Jing Ting is taking care of you, how about you? If you were not at home, you would be lying on the street, and you are the worst in the whole family."

Chi Kaiwen smiled pitifully, trying to change the subject and said, "The young master came early in the morning? Are you in the room with Yunxi?"

Chi Kaiwen thought that he could change the subject, but Chi Zhen, an old Jianghu, was not so easy to fool around. He snorted airily and said, "Don't wait for Xixi to have children, you are still a bachelor."

Scolding Kevin for a dry laugh, it really hurts.

"Now you know you're embarrassed?" Chi Zhen deliberately made fun of it.

"It's quite embarrassing, Dad, can you stop talking about this topic all the time?"

"Isn't it embarrassing not to say it?"

"At least it's not so embarrassing to say it."

"Hmph." Chi Zhen snorted with a haughty laugh, with a mocking face that saw him unable to marry a wife and have children.

Chi Kevin said dumbfounded, "I'll go to the kitchen to see if my porridge is ready."

After speaking, Chi Kevin quickly got up and left.

In the room, Chi Yunxi and Gu Jingting fell asleep hugging each other, that was enough, the two got up together.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon by the time I washed up and went downstairs.

Grandpa still hasn't woken up from his afternoon nap.

Fifth sister-in-law prepared a delicious lunch for them and kept it warm.

When the two of them were full, Chi Kaixin happened to come back from the outside.

Chi Kaixin glanced at her, then walked upstairs as if he didn't see her, and ignored Gu Jingting.

Instead, Chi Kevin who came down from upstairs came over with a smile and sat with them.

"I am full?"

"En." Chi Yunxi nodded, got up, came to him and pulled a chair to sit down, and leaned over to whisper to him.

"Second Uncle, does my dad have no status in the company?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"He just ignored me when he came in." Chi Yunxi said, he still greeted her yesterday.

Chi Kevin said in a low voice: "Isn't the promotional video of the team members we shot very popular? The quarterly turnover of all projects came out yesterday, and Huarong ranked first, which is higher than the total turnover of the past few years." At this point, someone from the board of directors proposed that I take over the Chi family's business, no, your father is angry."

Chi Kevin said it very casually, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Oh~ no wonder." Chi Yunxi nodded, patted Chi Kevin, and encouraged, "Second Uncle, you go."

"I don't want it." Chi Kevin shook his head.


"How tiring? I have to do everything. Although I can earn more money, I don't have time to spend it. The money is just paper. When do I want to find an excuse to put off what I'm doing now? "

"Second Uncle, you can't push it away. It's not okay to let someone else do such a profitable thing. I still expect you to give me money in the future." Chi Yunxi laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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