Chapter 659

In the past, they just clocked in to work, and often asked other colleagues for help. They punched more than a dozen cards by themselves, but in fact, not all of them were present at all.

Some people don't do things well at work, eat snacks, chat, watch TV on the Internet, and speculate in stocks.

But it's different now.

Bearberry's face recognition is very advanced, and even if you want to use photos, you can't get past it.

It's a bit silly to make expressions without brushing your face, but none of them can escape.

Swipe your face, press your fingerprints, and commute to and from get off work.

Moreover, the monitoring system in the entire Gu's Group building was also updated.

What's also very high-tech is that everyone's position has a sensor. When you leave the position for a few minutes and when you return to the position and sit down, there will be a record.

Want to be lazy and go play?

No such possibility!
The entire building has been completely reborn. When the staff saw the new rules and regulations, they all screamed, and they will be lazy in the future.

But when you turn to the back, you will find that those who pass the full attendance can also get extra bonuses.

This got them excited.

The project department held a meeting immediately, and Gu Jingting sent his plan, not to discuss it with them, but to ask them to implement it according to his plan.

Each department, divided into groups, completes its own small projects and jointly completes everyone's big projects.

All those who meet the standard will receive bonuses directly.

If it doesn't meet the standard, it will be buckled in the hanger.

It only took Gu Jingting one day to arrange everything.

In the past, everyone walked slowly, but now everyone in the company runs, racing against time to get things done.

The news that Gu Jingting went to Gu's Group for major reforms today soon reached Mr. Gu's ears.

After the butler explained Gu Jingting's reform plan to Master Gu, Master Gu nodded frequently.

"It's surprising that Jing Ting has such a strategy." Master Gu said, he had never really gotten to know the child Gu Jing Ting before.

Because in the past, Gu Mingchen was much more dazzling than him. When it comes to doing business, Gu Mingchen is very resourceful.

And Gu Jingting has been in the group room all the time, there is no place for him to use his skills, so he always thought that Gu Jingting has no business acumen.

Only now, he was surprised, but satisfied.

The butler didn't understand one thing, so he asked, "Master, why did you give the position directly to Master Jing Ting?"

Master Gu sighed, and said: "At that time, there was no other way. I was really afraid that I would not be able to raise my breath, so I left like this. There is a mess left. Who will clean it up? The tree falls and the monkeys scatter. I understand the truth. , if I'm not here, those people will definitely grab their heads. What will everyone do for money? I don't know why. At the last moment, it will be Jing Ting who gives me a sense of trust. Maybe it's because he is A man."

"The old man's trust is right. Master Jing Ting has done everything well."

"Yes." The old man sighed, and he was relieved.

It's just that she didn't expect that he would be the last one she relied on.

Now, thinking back to 25 years ago, he strongly opposed Jing Ting's mother and Gu Hua being together.

Now I really regret it, if they weren't together, there would be a child like Jing Ting.

Now, he might be pissed to death by this evil Gu Mingchen.

As long as people still have support, they will not become vulnerable.

"Jing Ting, will you come to dinner tonight?" the old man asked.

"I'll call and ask," said the butler.

(End of this chapter)

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