Chapter 666

Duan's father and Duan's mother put down what they were doing, looked at her, and asked, "What's the matter, Bing'er."

Duan Binger was silent for a while, and then said: "Is it okay without a father?"

Her child is destined to have no father.

Gu Mingchen is dead and Ling Rui is in prison.

He has been in prison for 12 years. After 12 years, the children have grown up. It doesn't seem to matter whether there is a father or not.

"Child." Duan's father came over, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "It's okay, as long as we all love him, he will grow up happily. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a father."

Duan's mother also came over and comforted him: "Yes, as long as we all care and love him together, he will not feel lonely, will not lack love and care, and can grow up healthy."

Duan Binger nodded, I hope it is true.

At noon that day, Duan's father came to visit the prison.

When Ling Rui saw Papa Duan, he was a little emotional.

He thought something happened to Duan Binger, since he was imprisoned, he lost all news about Duan Binger.

In the past few months in prison, he really felt like a year.

"Uncle Duan, how is Bing'er?" Ling Rui asked nervously.

Father Duan said: "Bing'er is fine, now we live together and we are taking care of her."

"Then... what about the child?" Ling Rui became even more nervous when he mentioned the child.

He was actually afraid that Duan Binger would dislike this child and would not stay.

Duan's father said: "The baby is also fine, and the due date is at the end of October."

Ling Rui gradually laughed, with a look of gratitude.

"Thank you...Uncle Duan, thank you for telling me to take good care of Bing'er. I know what I say now is meaningless, but I will definitely make up for it twice when I go out in the future."

Father Duan hesitated to speak. He heard from Duan Binger that she didn't even know who the child in her belly belonged to. It might be Gu Mingchen's, Ling Rui's, or someone else's.

As a father, he felt absurd when he heard his daughter say those things.

Wait until the baby is born, then just check the NDA.

If it's Ling Rui's, that's fine, if it's Gu Mingchen's...

Duan's father actually thought in his heart that if it belonged to Gu Mingchen, he would use this child to go to the Gu family. After all, this is a child of the Gu family. If Gu Mingchen bullied his daughter like this, they must compensate their family for it.

But when he thought that this might hurt the child, he hesitated again.

"Uncle Duan, Bing'er... Did you mention me?" Ling Rui asked.

Duan's father sighed: "Her mood is not very stable, and she is not very happy. It may take time to really get out of the psychological shadow. During this time, she rarely talked, and she didn't talk much to us. "

Ling Rui frowned worriedly, and said with self-blame, "It's all my fault. If I can be by her side at a time like this, maybe she can feel better."

"Lingrui, you don't have to be too sad, Bing'er, we will take care of it. I don't know what to say about your affairs now. In short, I hope you come out soon and everything can start again."

Ling Rui looked at him gratefully. The two of them have always had a good relationship. They used to think that Duan Binger was the prospective daughter-in-law of the Gu family, and they were enthusiastic about Gu Mingchen and the person who was with Gu Mingchen.

Now that something happened, he didn't hate him, in fact, he was already grateful.

How could Duan Binger's father dare to hate Ling Rui?
(End of this chapter)

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