Chapter 668

"That's good. If you have anything to do, just tell me. If Dad can help, he will still help you."

"Understood." Chi Yunxi replied, but he was not moved and had no other thoughts.

Chi Kaixin really had nothing to say, and said goodbye to her.

After the phone call died, it didn't take long for Chi Yunxi to receive a message from him about the advertising contract and shooting requirements.

Chi Yunxi looked at it, and felt a little strange, why did such a big-name advertisement fall into the hands of Chi Kaixin?

With so many big stars and big companies in the entertainment industry, why didn't they snatch this endorsement?

Her father's face is still so big?She didn't even notice.

At this time, Chiyunxi's mobile phone received a message from Bai Mumu.

Before Bai Mumu's family was in danger, she went back.

After contacting her, she said that she wanted to be with her parents and family, but she was afraid of losing them.

And it just so happened that she also encountered various things, and the entertainment circle did not continue.

The two gradually lost contact.

Now Bai Mumu wants to come back and continue to fight, but she has become Gu Jingting's subordinate now.

It's really useless for Bai Mumu, a rookie manager, to stay by his side.

But she didn't refuse, so she told Bai Mumu about the current situation, and Bai Mumu kept saying congratulations, and then there was nothing else.

Maybe she also felt that she was no longer worthy of her, so she was too embarrassed to rub her light again.

But Chi Yunxi was not so disrespectful, and told Bai Mumu that if she came here to develop, she could introduce her to a good job.

Bai Mumu was moved and kept saying thank you, and then there was nothing else.

When Chi Yunxi died on the phone, he was actually very emotional.

The impermanence of the world really means this. When she was reborn, how could she have thought that it would become like this today.

Some friendships will fall apart as they walk.

It's not that the relationship has faded, but that after the life is not together, many things will change accordingly.

Will she and him get separated in the future?

She thought it must not be.

Su Quan and Xiong Guo, who haven't come to play at home for a long time, came here again today with delicious food and drink.

Xiongguo is still the same, as soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Sister-in-law, we are here."

It's been a long time since I haven't seen the two of them, and Chi Yunxi also misses them a little bit.

After all, they are teammates who have fought together.

"Why are you free today?" Chi Yunxi asked.

After the two of them left the martial arts gym to help Gu Jingting manage the company, they were so busy that they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Boss gave us a holiday." Xiong Guo said.

"Is there no one in the company?"

"There are so many people here, without us one day, we can't go bankrupt." Xiong Guo laughed.

Su Quan said: "There is nothing to do today, so the boss gave us a two-day rest, and we thought, I haven't been here for a long time, and today I will have dinner with the boss and sister-in-law."

"Where's the boss?" Xiong Guo asked.

Chi Yunxi said: "I went shopping, and I should be back soon, then I... go and cook the rice."

"Sister-in-law, don't be busy, there is Quan, Quan, let's cook." Xiong Guo hurriedly stopped Chiyunxi and ordered Su Quan to go.

Su Quan still looked hard-working, and said, "I'll be fine, sister-in-law doesn't have to be busy."

Su Quan looked good, and carried the dishes he had brought into the kitchen.

Just got busy inside.

Chi Yunxi took a look, and suddenly felt that she was really not as virtuous as Su Quan, so she hooked her fingers at Xiongguo.

Xiong Guo walked over and asked with a smile: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

Chi Yunxi said in a low voice: "You are so harmonious together, do you still want to find girlfriends separately?"

Xiongguo looked ambiguous for a moment, and said, "Sister-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about? We are good brothers. If you meet a girl you like, of course you will find someone yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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