Chapter 671

Su Quan hurriedly strode over, grabbing Xiong Guo's hand with a worried look.

"Go wash your hands."

"Eat it all." Bearberry said, thinking that there is no need to wash it.

Su Quan dragged him directly to the kitchen.

Chi Yunxi and Gu Jingting glanced at the two of them, and then they looked at each other, their expressions were indescribable, and they smiled a little strangely.

The four of them hadn't eaten together for a long time, so this meal still tasted fresh.

Chi Yunxi took a closer look at Su Quan and Xiong Guo, and felt that Xiong Guo was like Su Quan's child.

Su Quan is really a bear father who cares about his heart.

But like this, it's really loving.

Chi Yunxi looked at Gu Jingting, wondering what it would be like for him to bring up a baby in the future.

Suddenly I looked forward to it.

"Boss, sister-in-law, what are your plans recently, are you going on a trip?" Xiongguo asked gossipingly.

Such a good holiday, if you don't go out for a walk around, you will be sorry for the good time.

"Wherever Yunxi wants to go, I will go with her." Gu Jingting said, leaving the difficult problem of vacation to Chiyunxi.

Chi Yunxi thought for a while and said, "Traveling is also good."

"Where do you want to go?" Gu Jingting asked.

Chi Yunxi winked at him and said, "Go and see your cousin."

"What are you looking at him for?" Gu Jingting's tone sank a bit, obviously he didn't want to see Xing Xuan.

"Anyway, he helped a lot. It's been so long, and I haven't been able to say thank you properly to him." Chi Yunxi said.

"Just want to say thank you?" Gu Jingting asked.

"Otherwise?" Chi Yunxi asked back.

Gu Jingting didn't speak, but there was something in his eyes.

She spent a few days alone with Xing Xuan before, and he still hasn't forgotten what he heard.

It's just that I don't want to argue with her, so I never mentioned it.

Because just listening to the voice, the imagination will become very realistic, and he always feels that they get along very happily.

Moreover, Xing Xuan would hand over such a deadly thing to her, what was he thinking?

Although his face was not shown in that video, gossip was flying everywhere when it was released.

The target is the most powerful island leader who has targeted Dadongyang, the leader of the ghost king organization, but there is no actual evidence, and Dadongyang is not something they can investigate if they want to investigate, and they have arrested Gu Mingchen and put things to rest. Who did it? , no one has gone into it.

What's more, even if you study it deeply, it's useless. In the video where the other party doesn't see his face, you can just find someone to act as a ghost.

Seeing her calmness, Gu Jingting said, "Then choose a route to travel, and then visit him by the way."

"Boss, do you want to be a follower?" Xiong Guo asked, he prefers to travel than to manage the company.

"No." Gu Jingting refused decisively.

Chiyunxi smiled and said, "Guo'er, you can accompany Su Quan to work here, otherwise how lonely is he?"

Su Quan said, "No way."

Xiongguo tilted his mouth and said: "You will definitely, without me you will be empty and lonely."

"It's better to leave than to see you off." Su Quan said coldly.

Xiongguo snorted and started grabbing his food.

Chi Yunxi looked at them and felt very loving...

Chi Yunxi looked at the two of them and smiled, Gu Jingting looked at her with small eyes, she didn't realize that he was looking at him at all.

Gu Jingting lightly kicked her foot under the table.

Even if you think it's fun for them to be stupid, you don't have to stare at them for so long, right?
Chi Yunxi turned her head to look at him, and asked, "Are your feet cramp?"

As soon as Chiyunxi spoke, Xiong Guo and Su Quan looked over.

On the contrary, Gu Jingting was embarrassed to say anything, because saying what was in his heart would make him appear really narrow-minded.

Although this is true.

How could it be possible that Chiyunxi didn't know his little thoughts, he just said that on purpose to make him so stingy.

My cousin will be jealous.

It seems that she can also empathize with other people.

(End of this chapter)

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