Chapter 673

There was an evil sneer at the corner of his mouth, he put the lid back on and said, "Throw it away."

After saying that, he left.

Ade asked strangely: "boos, what does this mean?"

Xing Xuan didn't answer, just waved his hand.

Ade poured out all the grass. He always felt that the gift should not be like this. He searched carefully again, but he really didn't find anything in the grass on the ground.

In addition to the green grass, it is still green grass.

Looking at the grass on the ground, Ade seemed to think of something.

Didn't boos give his cousin a green hat at the beginning?
Wouldn't this be a gift from that cousin?
A grassland?
This kind of gift that would kill someone, except him, it seems that no one would dare to give it, right?
A small box liked the gilded box very much, and asked, "Can I have this box?"

"No, this is from Boos." Ade said, in fact, he likes this box very much. Boos didn't want it, so he took it.

The totem on this box is very beautiful, carved with dragons and phoenixes, it is the national pattern of the empire, such a beautiful box contains a pile of grass, or he can understand that, in fact, people just want to give a beautiful box?

Ade ran away holding the big box, chasing Xing Xuan back to the castle.

Xing Xuan returned to his room, took off his wet clothes, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and then came out to change into dry clothes.

Ade stuck his head in and asked with a smile: "boos, this box is very beautiful, do you want it?"

"Why do you want a box? To hold ashes?" Xing Xuan mocked.

"Ah." Ade said cheekily: "Then you don't want it, I want it?"

"Whatever you want." Xing Xuan wiped his hair with a towel, ignoring him.

Ade held the box, looked at it with satisfaction, and looked around, admiring the beautiful pattern, because it was completely different from their side.

Something new is always a favorite.

Ade turned it over, and saw a small pattern drawn with a pen on the inside of the lid.

He couldn't understand it, turned the cover upside down, stuck it into the room, and asked, "boos, what is this code?"

Xing Xuan looked over.

I saw that it was a heart shape with a cloud drawn in the middle.

Gu Jingting wanted to express that he loves Yunxi, right?
Xing Xuan came over, hung the towel around his neck, took a look at the cover, curled his lips, and said: "The painting is really ugly, not as good as a five-year-old child."

"What is this? Poached egg?" Ade asked.

"Just treat him as a poached egg." Xing Xuan said, put the lid on the box, hugged it with both hands, and said, "It seems that it can be used to decorate something."

Xing Xuan walked into the room with the box in his arms.

Ade stretched out his hand to grab it, but failed to catch it, and watched the beautiful box leave him.

"Boos, boos, didn't you say you don't want it?" Ade really regretted that he asked that question just now.

Poached eggs or something made him lose a beautiful box.

Xing Xuan put the box on his desk as if he didn't exist.

When Ade saw this, there was nothing he could do, he could only resign himself to his fate and take a second look.

Xing Xuan looked back and found that Ade had left before he opened the box and looked at the pattern on the back of the lid.

Do you want to make a statement in front of him and prove that the woman is his?

Is it clamoring or swearing sovereignty?
Xing Xuan curled his lips, opened the drawer, took a thick cigar, lit the cigar, and took two puffs smartly, protruding out a thick cloud of smoke.

Then he raised the lid, and hit the middle of the pattern with the cigar head that was shining.

He moved the head of the cigar and burned the whole pattern black.

He didn't close the lid with satisfaction until the pattern was no longer visible, and then smoked a cigar and walked out of the balcony to blow some air.

(End of this chapter)

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