Chapter 675

Gu Jingting took her by the hand and boarded the cruise ship, and the people on the cruise ship stood on the left and right sides to welcome them.

Chi Yunxi glanced at them, some of them had met once.

"Your brothers?" Chi Yunxi asked in a low voice.

"En." Gu Jingting responded, took her hand, and walked to the middle of the deck under everyone's attention.

Then everyone gathered around.

Chi Yunxi looked at those people, there were quite a few of Gu Jingting's brothers, fifty or sixty of them.

Each of them looked strong and muscular.

There is another group of people who are of ordinary stature and who are also fat. These people are definitely not among the brothers.

Mostly staff and cooks, servants.

There are more than a hundred people on this boat.

Gu Jingting said to everyone: "This is my fiancee, Chi Yunxi, who will become my wife and your hostess in the future."

Chi Yunxi was overwhelmed with flattery. He introduced it like this, as if it made her feel that this country would soon have her share.

Those people look at me and I look at you, as if they still can't figure out what to call Chiyunxi now.

Xiong Guo whispered at the side: "Call Madam, call Madam."

When the people around heard it, they yelled loudly: "Hi Ma'am!"

Chi Yunxi stood beside Gu Jingting, her hands became interlocked, she smiled and waved to everyone.

"Hello everyone."

It feels so good.

Only then did Gu Jingting introduce to her that his brothers, the chef on board, and the chef are all top chefs hired with a lot of money.

There are delicious and delicious drinks, which are all very exciting.

After introducing some important people, everyone dispersed to play separately.

Gu Jingting dragged Chiyunxi up to the highest point to see the scenery.

Chi Yunxi stood in front of the fence, stretched out his hands, blowing the wind head-on.

Gu Jingting stood at the back, covering her body, and when she leaned back, she leaned against him.

"Are you happy?" Gu Jingting asked.

"Happy." Chi Yunxi said with a smile, "With you, every day is very happy."

"There is one more thing to make you happier." Gu Jingting said.

"What?" Chi Yunxi asked curiously.

"Come with me." Gu Jingting led her into a large room.

As soon as I entered, I saw a staff member building the scenery.

Chi Yunxi walked over to a familiar figure from the back and patted him.

The man turned around.


"Second Uncle!" Chi Yunxi asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Surprise for you." Chi Kevin laughed.

"What is this doing?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"Didn't you accept DL's commercial? You didn't go on a trip, how could you have time to shoot? So someone hired the team here to shoot here."

As Chi Kaiwen said, he glanced at Gu Jingting.

Chi Yunxi looked at Gu Jingting, but didn't know what to say.

I promised to shoot DL commercials before, but soon I decided to go on a trip. I didn’t have time to shoot the commercials. I wanted to postpone the shooting for a month, but the other party refused. One month, other people’s new products will be sold. It's been a few rounds, she is a new product for the next season, and the shooting time cannot be delayed.

So she reluctantly gave up and refused to shoot DL's commercial.

For this reason, she muttered for two nights.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jingting did not say anything at that time, but made things like this.

She was very moved and happy in her heart, and she was not reconciled to being told that there was no work.

Such a beautiful person, with such a good figure, who can rely on his appearance to make a living, why not rely on his appearance to make a living?
How nice it is to be a star.

Chi Yunxi hugged Gu Jingting.

Gu Jingting stood at her, patted the back of her head, and asked, "Are you happy?"

Chi Yunxi nodded.

The staff members were all touched.

(End of this chapter)

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