Chapter 677

Love you.

The dog food came unexpectedly.

Netizens are full of food.

Chi Yunxi's shooting of commercials naturally became very smooth. The shooting is actually very simple. A few expressions and movements are almost all complicated in the post-production.

After filming, Dawuguan spent two days on the cruise ship as a vacation.

Then the photographer and other staff were sent back by helicopter.

Chi Kevin also wanted to play with them, but there were still many things waiting for him in the company. He was too embarrassed to play for too long, so he went back with the staff.

When Kevin Chi returned home, he just received a call from the person in charge of DL, asking about the shooting situation. He said that the filming was finished, so he sent the film directly to the other party.

The person in charge of DL was very satisfied after reading it, and said that he would show it to him after it was finished.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Chi Kaixin and Guo Furong came back.

The two of them knew that Kevin Chi would be back today, so they came back to find him to get the film.

Although they were not able to participate in the filming process, as long as he handed over the film to the other party in the end, the cooperation this time can be regarded as a successful cooperation between him and the other party.

In order to get this contract, he also spent a lot of thought and money.

Being able to win over a big boss will make it much easier to do anything in the future.

And if you want to compete with Kevin in your career, you have to make more achievements.

Chi Kaiwen is now scolding Yunxi and Gu Jingting, if he doesn't have a trump card in his hand, I'm afraid the family business will be scolded by Kevin sooner or later.

As soon as Chi Kaixin entered, Chi Kaiwen asked, "Brother, are you back?"

"Well, is the film ready?" Chi Kaixin asked.

"The filming is finished, and I have already sent it to the person in charge of DL." Chi Kevin said.

"Did you send it to him?" Chi Kaixin asked loudly.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Chi Kevin blinked.

"Why did you send it to him without telling me?" Chi Kaixin asked unhappily.

"He happened to call to ask, so I just sent it off, what's the problem?" Chi Kevin asked puzzled.

Guo Furong came over and chimed in and said, "Kevin, it's not right for you to do this. This is your elder brother's project, no matter what, he should hand it over to the other party. Didn't you purposely steal his work?"

"Oh... I didn't think so much, I'm sorry, brother, I didn't mean to rob you." Chi Kevin said embarrassedly, he really didn't think so much.

Chi Kaixin looked at Chi Kaiwen, and his anger came to him. He walked up to Chi Kaiwen and looked at him aggressively. The distance between the two suddenly became very close.

The atmosphere between the two brothers suddenly became very tense, as if they were about to fight at any moment.

Chi Kaiwen didn't back down either, he just looked at Chi Kaixin with chills in his heart.

His big brother, from childhood to adulthood, has never been sincere to him once.

All along, he always robs and fights with him, unwilling to let him but always feels that he will rob him.

But since he was a child, he really never cared about his things.

"Brother." He scolded Kevin seriously for a rare time.

He always looks casual like a prodigal son, but at this moment, he is serious and serious.

He got serious and had a kind of courage.

Chi Kaixin's heart trembled.

He had seen this expression before. The last time he saw it was when he asked Kevin to ask her if he really loved Wan Li before he was going to marry Wan Li.

His expression is so serious, so serious that it makes him feel terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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