Chapter 690

"I don't know how to explain it clearly... I have known since I was a child that my mother was ignored by my grandfather because she was the daughter of the Hai family. Although only my grandfather and our family knew this secret, my grandfather ignored me. Mom, other people will think that grandpa doesn't like my mother or me, so the attitude of the elders in the family towards my mother is also average, plus my dad is the second son, Gu Mingchen was excellent in everything at that time, When I was a child, I was very inconspicuous, and I had no status in the family, and it might be a lie to say that I never hated the Haishang family."

Chi Yunxi looked at him with some distress, and had never heard him say such things.

Gu Jingting scratched the back of her head, smiled slightly, and said, "But it's all in the past, so let's not talk about it."

"You still care, so in your heart, you actually don't like Xing Xuan?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"It's not that I don't like it, and it's not that I like it. He's like a cecum. It's useless to exist, and it doesn't hurt to cut it off."

Gu Jingting's metaphor made Chi Yunxi speechless.

"Then let's just treat it as a simple trip, and forget about anything else." Chi Yunxi laughed, originally wanting to improve the relationship between the two brothers.

But if doing so makes him uncomfortable, then forget it.

Nothing is more important than his being happy.

Gu Jingting was very happy to see her so understanding.

He kissed her forehead and said, "Take your time, maybe it will take a long time, and I can accept all of this."

"En." Chi Yunxi nodded.

The two of them looked at each other and kissed each other.

Xiong Guo and Su Quan, who happened to run over, saw it.

Immediately stood not far away and did not dare to come over.

Chi Yunxi found them, and turned to look at them.

The bear fruit that was discovered came over with a smile.

"Boss, sister-in-law, do you want to eat? There are a lot of delicious food in the castle." Xiong Guo casually brought up a topic, just pretend that he didn't see them just now.

"Let's barbecue later." Chi Yunxi suggested.

"You have the final say." Gu Jingting echoed.

As soon as he talked about barbecue, Bearberry said happily: "Okay, okay, I'm going to prepare things."

Xiong Guo said he was going to prepare things, but in fact he let Su Quan do it, and he would just point fingers at the side.

While Su Quan and Bearberry were preparing things, many men and women from the island were watching.

Seeing them have such a tacit understanding, it's weird to look at their eyes.

In the crowd, Xing Xuan was wearing a dark red silk shirt with many buttons on his chest.

He was dressed casually, but in this night, in such an atmosphere, he looked particularly tasteful.

The long hair is also casual, and some messy bangs are blown by the wind.

That handsome, beautiful but masculine face revealed a seductive feeling under the light of the fire.

He held the wine bottle in one hand, and casually raised the other by his side.

There is quite a kind of lofty ambition to drink with his own people.

"Don't get drunk, don't go home!"

Those tall and rough men around him raised the wine bottles in their hands one by one.


"Boos, do it!"

The bold man drank the wine in one gulp.

Women also drink with them.

Everyone is happy.

Sitting beside Gu Jingting, Chi Yunxi asked, "What do you think of this kind of life?"

"Normal." Gu Jingting replied.

Chi Yunxi looked at Xing Xuan, and said: "In the past, Mu and I went on missions with them. We were a little more miserable than them. They still had castles, but we didn't. We used the sky as our cover and the earth as our hut. Sometimes We have to survive in the wild for several days, and we will do the same, hunting, barbecue, drinking, looking carefree and happy, but actually we don’t know where tomorrow will be, how happy we can be if we regard this moment as the last moment of our life, just Try to be happy."

Chi Yunxi recalled the past, her eyes were a little red.

The last life, this life, those days have passed.

However, she will never forget what kind of imprint that day left on her life.

Gu Jingting felt distressed and carried her upstairs to Huai Li.

"In the future, you will have a good and stable life, and you won't be wandering around." Gu Jingting said.

"I believe in you." Chi Yunxi said with a smile.

Xing Xuan looked over from there and saw the two of them hugging each other.

Xing Xuan immediately took two bottles of wine and walked over.

Everyone was looking at Xing Xuan, a man who was as famous in the ocean as Gu Jingting in the imperial kingdom.

Xing Xuan came in front of them, and held out one of the jugs of wine to Gu Jingting.

"Do you dare to drink with me?"

Gu Jingting stood up and took the pot of wine in his hand.

Uncorked the bottle.

The two slammed the wine bottle at the same time.

The corner of Xing Xuan's mouth curled up, and he said with an evil smile: "The wine brewed on the island itself is very strong."

The corner of Gu Jingting's mouth curled up in disdain, and he started drinking.

Xing Xuan also raised his head boldly and put the wine bottle in his mouth.

The two of them poured heavily there.

Everyone came and looked around.

Everyone also shouted for refueling.

"Boos, come on!"

"Boss, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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