Chapter 707

Xing Xuan glanced at Gu Jingting, Chi Yunxi was just about to speak when Xiong Guo called out: "How do you sow discord? How much does my sister-in-law care about me? I am in the hospital, and my sister-in-law is mentally hurt. Compensation of 500 million is not a small amount, so I don't care about it with you."

"You are blind even if you are blind, and you are not afraid of becoming dumb." Xing Xuan snorted.

"Hey~ this is a bit difficult!" Bearberry said proudly.

Gu Jingting didn't speak, but his overbearing aura that no one could defy and his strong aura of killing anyone who provoked him made everyone in the ward afraid to make fun of him.

Only Xing Xuan dared to look down on him, then turned around and left.

As soon as Xing Xuan left, the others quickly followed suit.

In the next few days, bear fruit will be hospitalized for observation.

Once the condition is stable, surgery can be scheduled.

After the operation, I was hospitalized for observation for a few days. There was no problem and I was able to leave the hospital.

For a period of time after that, he just changed his dressing on time and went to the hospital for a re-examination on time, and he will recover in a short time.

Because Xiongguo was injured, he could no longer go on vacation with Chiyunxi and the others. In order to take care of his life, Su Quan was also ordered to go back with Xiongguo to recuperate.

Xiong Guo and Su Quan returned to the country.

Ade told Xing Xuan the news.

Xing Xuan said nothing, drinking wine and eating meat, sitting on the railing of the castle, blowing the sea breeze.

Ade thought he would ask something, but after waiting for a while, he didn't speak.

Ade couldn't help asking: "Boss, is that woman coming to our place?"

"I don't know."

"Didn't you ask?"

"Why should I ask?"

"I thought the boss liked Miss Yunxi quite a bit." Ade laughed.

"Miss sister?" Xing Xuan squinted.

Ade explained with a smile: "Recently, the Internet has become so popular."

Xing Xuan is not interested in things on the Internet, so he really doesn't understand Internet terms.

However, I didn't care about it.

Ade looked at him and saw that he really didn't seem to care about Chiyunxi, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"then I will not bother you."

After Ade left, Xing Xuan looked back, then turned his head and continued to look at the sea in the distance.

His life seems really a bit too boring.

That's why he thinks of this woman Chiyunxi from time to time, right?
It seems that he should find a woman to relieve his boredom.


Xing Xuan was stunned for a moment.

Are you hallucinating yourself?
"Are you deaf?"

The sound is getting closer.

Only then did Xing Xuan look back, and saw Chi Yunxi walking towards him.

Xing Xuan was surprised, before asking: "Why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here, I haven't given you 500 million yet." Chi Yunxi walked up to him and stretched out his hand.

Xing Xuan's mood suddenly became a little complicated.

It would be fine if she never came, but her coming made him feel a little...

Unspeakable excitement.

He seemed to be looking forward to her appearance.

But if it's just for 500 million, it's a bit ironic.

"Aren't you poor?" Xing Xuan said coldly.

"Who thinks there is too much money, right?" Chi Yunxi laughed.

"What about your mouth?" Xing Xuan asked.

"It's preparing dinner for me." Chi Yunxi said with a happy face.

Xing Xuan hummed: "No prospect."

"You are promising, you are promising, give me money." Chi Yunxi raised his eyebrows.

Xing Xuan jumped down from the railing, reached out and slapped her palm.

Turn around and leave.

Chiyunxi rolled her eyes, and when he turned around and flicked his ponytail, she quickly grabbed his little braid.

Pull hard.

Unprepared, Xing Xuan tilted his head back.

He suddenly became angry.

"I hate it when people pull my hair."

(End of this chapter)

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