Chapter 709

When walking down the stairs, Gu Jingting said with some concern: "What do you and him mean?"

"A way of getting along without embarrassment." Chi Yunxi said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's less embarrassing like this. If you talk about many things seriously, it will become very hypocritical. It's better to make friends in a way that makes everyone happy. Some knots will be solved by themselves."

"Are you helping me?" Gu Jingting asked.

" think I like him?" Chi Yunxi asked with a smile, reaching out to touch the corner of his resolute face.

Gu Jingting has an embarrassing look of being guessed.

Chiyunxi burst out laughing, and said: "Stingy ghosts, you are Chinese people after all, it is the best to be able to turn enemies into friends, Chinese people, in this world, if there is one less person, there is really one less person Yes, God gave you such people, there will be no more, but friends can be reconnected, you can have one friend, two friends, ten, a hundred, but the people who are related to you by blood will not be there again too much."

"We can have a few more children." Gu Jingting said.

Chi Yunxi rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not a pig, I can have more than a dozen in one litter."

The corner of Gu Jingting's mouth twitched, and he said, "It can be separated by more than ten years."

"I'll give you a roll of the eyes to experience for yourself." Chi Yunxi rolled his eyes at him.

"Not willing?" Gu Jingting asked.

"You think having a baby is easy?"

"Is it difficult?" Gu Jingting asked puzzled.

"You seem to like Baidu very much, go to Baidu by yourself." Chi Yunxi pouted.

When eating at night, Gu Jingting ate fast and finished his meal very quickly, and he really gave birth on Baidu.

There are also many animations on the Internet, which are the process of giving birth, including both natural birth and caesarean section.

Gu Jingting thought that giving birth was a natural and easy thing, but after reading those posts, videos, and comments from many netizens, he realized that giving birth to a woman is a crucial event.

There will also be lifelong infertility, or the risk of death.

And even if the baby is born smoothly, it will cause great harm to the mother's body, and if the confinement is not done well, many diseases will fall.

Chi Yunxi ate the food, looked at Gu Jingting's busy appearance, looked down at the phone without looking up at her.

Chi Yunxi looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help asking: "What did you see?"

Only then did Gu Jingting say: "Having a baby is so serious, or we wouldn't have had it."

"You changed your mind so soon?" Chi Yunxi asked amusedly.

"I don't want you to work so hard." Gu Jingting said, "We won't be bored when the two of us are together."

"The child was not born just to relieve your boredom." Chi Yunxi said.

"I will be ready." Gu Jingting said very seriously, his face became very serious, as if he was thinking about some important national affairs, and his brows were sullen.

Chi Yunxi looked at him while eating, feeling a little helpless.

She also knew that giving birth would be dangerous, but for the sake of a new life, she was willing to take the risk.

What's more, aren't many people able to give birth smoothly?

She wouldn't be so unlucky that she would be the one who died after giving birth, right?
But she was quite happy to see Gu Jingting attaching so much importance to it.

That night, after Chiyunxi fell asleep, Gu Jingting woke up. He didn't feel sleepy, and he was very satisfied seeing Chiyunxi sleeping soundly.

After watching for a while, he got up, put on his clothes, opened the door and went out.

There is a large hanging garden at the end of the corridor.

It was a huge balcony with rockery and pavilions.

Gu Jingting just wanted to come out and enjoy the air, so that he could fall asleep when he went back.

Unexpectedly, when I came over, I saw a person lying on the fence.

The fences of this castle are very wide, and there is no problem lying alone.

Gu Jingting came out, looking at the figure, he knew who it was.

Xing Xuan looked back, sat up from the fence, and watched him approach.

"It's late at night, I don't have time to fight with you." Xing Xuan said.

"Me neither." Gu Jingting said.

Then the two of them suddenly fell silent.

Gu Jingting stood by and looked into the distance, while Xing Xuan sat on the fence and also looked into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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