Chapter 719

Guo Furong stood there in a daze, afraid that Ashin would come and talk to her, and that Chi Kaixin would find out.

She held her breath...



Guo Furong's head buzzed, her body was on the verge of falling, and she suddenly became dizzy.

"Mom." Chi Tianhao just got out of the car, and when he saw her about to faint, he immediately came over to support her.

"Mom, how are you?"

Guo Furong's heart tightened, she was thinking back, just now, the person who called her was Tianhao, not Ashin.

Guo Furong glanced at Ashin's direction.

Ashin stood not far away, looking at her with a cold face, and there seemed to be hatred in his eyes.

Guo Furong was so lucky that it wasn't him who called her mother just now.

"Furong, what's wrong with you? Why are you here?" Chi Kaixin came over and hugged her.

"Dizziness, dizziness..." Guo Furong couldn't explain clearly at once, so she pretended to be dizzy and closed her eyes.

Chi Kaixin picked up Guo Furong and got into the car.

When Chi Tianhao followed into the car, he felt something and looked back, and met the gaze of a man who was about his own age.

His eyes were full of hatred.

Chi Tianhao was very strange, he had never seen this person before, but why did he show such a look to himself?

"Tianhao, what are you doing? Get in the car." Chi Kaixin said.

"Oh." Chi Tianhao just got into the car.

He was in the car, and he could see that the sleeping man was also looking at their car.

it's wired.

Ashin watched them go with indescribable emotions in his heart.

However, he suddenly understood.

Of course Guo Furong was unwilling to admit them.

She has a decent husband, the son of a rich young master.

Why come to recognize him, a beggar-like son?

He had to admit that he was abandoned.

Guo Furong returned home and pretended to sleep for a while before waking up.

If you don't wake up, you will be sent to the hospital.

Guo Furong woke up, Chi Kaixin and Chi Tianhao were beside her.

"Mom, are you feeling better?" Chi Tianhao asked.

"Much better." Guo Furong said.

"Furong, if you don't come back all night, who are you looking for in your sleeping place?"

"Last night, I had an appointment with a few friends I knew before, but I drank too much. I just woke up and came back quickly. I drank too much last night and had a headache..." Guo Furong covered her head with a look Very uncomfortable.

"Mom, how about going to the hospital." Chi Tianhao said with concern.

"No need, I just drank too much. I'll get some sleep and I'll be fine tomorrow." Guo Furong said.

Chi Kaixin wanted to say something else, but seeing that Guo Furong was so uncomfortable, he didn't say anything.

"Then you should rest more."

"Yeah." Guo Furong closed her eyes, trying to escape for a while if she could.

She continued to sleep, and Chi Tianhao and Chi Kaixin went out.

Chi Tianhao followed Chi Kaixin to the door of the study, and then stopped him.



"Do you know what friends Mom has over there?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a friend from a long time ago?"

Chi Kaixin felt that it was impossible for her to be a new friend. After all, with her current status, she would not be able to make such an ordinary friend.

Aren't the people in the circle you get along with now all either rich or expensive?
"What do you want to say?" Chi Kaixin looked at Chi Tianhao, feeling that he had something to say.

"I'm just surprised, it's nothing." Chi Tianhao shrugged, he couldn't tell what he felt about the man with hatred in his sleepy eyes.

It's just weird.

This afternoon, when Chi Tianhao came back from outside, he saw a person standing outside his door, looking at his big villa.

Chi Tianhao felt that the sleeping person looked familiar, so he drove the car over.

After parking the car, he opened the door and came out. When the sleeping man saw him, he immediately turned around and left.

"Hello." Chi Tianhao called out.

But the man ignored him and left quickly.

Chi Tianhao recognized him, he was the sleeping man he saw when he went to look for Guo Furong in the poor area that day.

Chi Tianhao found it even more strange that after only meeting him twice, he felt that the sleeping man looked very familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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