Chapter 740

"Is there any special meaning?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"I hope that the love of our family will be with each other like a shadow and never be separated. My daughter has the same characters as you. I hope she is as brave, smart and beautiful as you." Gu Jingting hugged Chi Yunxi, and her little daughter Huaili.

Chi Yunxi leaned against Huai Li, watched Huai Li sucking his fingers, and looked at the youngest daughter of the two of them.

When the daughter saw them looking at her and smiling, the little cutie also grinned, her silent smile so pure that it made people laugh more happily too.

Baby boy lying in cot waving his limbs on the bed.

Why is no one hugging him?

"Your son has an opinion." Chi Yunxi joked.

"Daddy hug." Gu Jingting smiled and bent down to hug his son.

Two people hugged two children and stood together to play with them.

Don't need to say anything, just smile at them and pout at them.

They will imitate your movements and move their little mouths with you.

Very cute.

After teasing for a while, Ding Xiao came over.

Asked in a low voice: "Are the two babies still asleep?"

"Not yet, Mom, come and give me a hug." Chi Yunxi laughed.

"Okay." Ding Xiao happily came over to take his hand.

Gu Hua also followed.

They all want to play with the little ones, so come here to play.

Gu Jingting handed Huaili's son to Gu Hua.

Gu Jingting said: "Mom and Dad, you are watching these two little ones at home, Yunxi and I, and want to go out for a while."

"Go, go, Yunxi has worked hard during this time, go out for a walk, have fun, and be bored at home all day, just bring our grandchildren with us." Ding Xiao smiled.

As for the matter of bringing a baby, the two old guys like it the most.

Chi Yunxi looked at Gu Jingting and smiled gratefully.

He knew that she was worried about her second uncle, and she might not be able to sit still wearing it at home.

There is no need to tell the parents about this kind of thing and let them worry about it.

Got parental support.

Chi Yunxi and Gu Jingting changed their clothes and went out.

Although it was to find the second uncle, Chi Yunxi really took a deep breath of the air outside when he went out.

In the past few months, I really haven't been out of the house.

"It feels really different outside..." Chi Yunxi took a deep breath.

Gu Jingting hugged her, kissed her, and said, "Thank you, wife."

"Husband." Chi Yunxi hugged him, and planted her foot on his lips.

Gu Jingting laughed, and her monster, his own monster bumped into her hard, and said viciously in her ear: "Are you free to have a good chat with -?"

"Pfft..." Chi Yunxi rolled his eyes and said, "Look for Second Uncle first."

Gu Jingting snorted, and then she walked towards his hummer.

Than say Chi Yunxi stayed at home for a long time.

Even his Hummer has not been opened for a long time.

Every day when I bring my baby at home, the daily necessities and vegetables are all bought by the servants.

They revolve around the baby every day.

Before the baby can go, they have already started to read and learn how to educate and cultivate an excellent and polite child.

Gu Jingting had chosen a school early on.

Chi Yunxi laughed at him before, but now it's her turn to choose a school.

"I think it's better to bring the children by yourself. I'll take them to play." Chi Yunxi said.

"Then I'll teach them to fly a plane." Gu Jingting said cooperatively.

"School is so boring. You see, I never went to school." Chi Yunxi said.

"In this day and age, being uneducated is a bit scary." Gu Jingting said.

(End of this chapter)

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