Chapter 742

I am willing to be the town house.

After flying out for about 10 minutes, Xiongguo saw a picture on the tablet.

"Found it." Bearberry said.

Flying faintly searched for the key person, and automatically transmitted the picture.

The four of them gathered together to look at the picture.

On the screen, it can be seen that Chi Kevin was tied to a big tree trunk.

And at the bottom of his feet, there are two men who are stacking hay and dry branches under his feet.

At this moment, it looks like he is going to be burned to death.

"Where is the location?" Gu Jingting asked.

Bearberry clicked, and a map appeared.

"Here, 700 meters away from here, in this direction." Bearberry said, pointing in one direction.

"Go." Gu Jingting said.

The four of them got on the Hummer together.

There are only two people on the other side, and they don't need this thing at all.

The Hummer drove into the wilderness without hindrance, and it went straight through.

A phone rings.

The man who was throwing hay took out his phone.

This is an old phone, very old, and it is a communication device he prepared for this matter. Later, this phone will be burned together with this person.

No one will find out.

"Arong, how are you doing?"

"It will be over soon, don't worry, I will help you get rid of him." Arong said ruthlessly.

Chi Kevin was taped to his mouth, unable to speak, but he could hear and see.

He seems to have seen this man before.

I just can't remember where I saw it.

From what he said on the phone, it seems that someone else is behind the instigation.

He didn't offend anyone, so how could someone want his life?


Chi Kevin struggled a bit.

The man next to him snorted: "Don't make noise, here in the wilderness, there is no one to rescue you, you just go to the west."

"Hmm..." Chi Kevin was still struggling and wanted to say something.

But the other party didn't care what he wanted to say at all.

As long as he finished his work, he would get a sum of money. If it wasn't for the money, who would do such an outrageous thing?
Ah Rong hung up the phone after a while, and continued to throw dry branches at Chi Kevin's feet.

"Then why is there something?" Ash asked.

Point to an egg flying nearby.

Ah Rong looked back and saw that everything in Jingdu's hands had fallen to the ground.

Although I don't know what this thing is.

But suddenly Fei was here staring at him.

Certainly not something good.

"Don't worry about it, start the fire quickly." Arong said immediately.

Asi was stunned for a moment, but before he could move, Ah Rong grabbed the lighter and lit the pile of firewood under Chi Kevin's feet.

They planned it long ago, so some of the wood was sprinkled with gasoline.

This is a little lighter.

The wood burst into flames.

"Uh, uh..." Chi Kevin struggled, the fire was burning under his feet, and he was very hot and painful.

"Let's go." Ah Rong lit the fire and told Asi to go.

The two of them turned and ran.

However, the shadow of the Hummer rushed over from the front.

Ah Rong and Asi were startled, neither of them knew which direction to run.

"It's Guo Furong's old friend." Chi Yunxi recognized A Rong at a glance.

This man, she investigated.

It's just that Guo Furong didn't do anything to provoke her afterwards, so she didn't expose the scandal.

After all, it got out that Chi Kaixin, her father, and the Chi family were the ones who lost face.

It's just that he didn't expect that now, he actually wants to - her second uncle!

Ah Rong and Asi ran separately.

Gu Jingting said decisively: "Quiet, get out of the car and save someone."

"Yes." As soon as Su Quan opened the door, he jumped out.

Gu Jingting intentionally stopped the car, but it was only for less than a second.

Su Quan jumped down, and he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Arong.

How can two legs run four wheels?

Ah Rong didn't run very far when he was directly hit by the hummer.

"Ah!" Ah Rong flew up, then fell hard to the ground, struggled on the ground, but couldn't get up.

Chi Yunxi, Gu Jingting and Xiong Guo all got out of the car.

Xiong Guo looked at Su Quan and said, "I'll go over and help."

Bearberry ran over quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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