Chapter 750

Fortunately, he quickly grabbed it with both hands.


Chi Kevin knew that this must be just the same name and surname.

But this name still made his heart suddenly lift up.

A young man in his 20s came over, looked around, but didn't see the person he was looking for, so he turned around and walked away to look elsewhere.

Chi Kevin walked over and stopped the sleeping young man.

"Excuse me, let me ask..."

"What's the matter?" The man looked back at him.

"What does the Wan Li you're looking for look like? I just came over there, maybe I've seen it before?" Chi Kevin asked.

"Oh, Wanli is easy to recognize. She has bad eyesight, wears black sunglasses, and pulls a guide dog. Have you ever seen her?" the young man said.

"Guide dog..." Chi Kevin nodded and said, "I just saw a guide dog at the raw meat section, go and have a look."

"Okay, thank you." The young man immediately ran over to find someone.

Is it a blind man?
Chi Kevin paused for a moment, then followed suit.

On the other side of the raw meat area, I saw a woman, pulling a guide dog, standing there, as if waiting for someone.

After the young man passed, they said something, and the sleeping young man looked back at him and smiled at him.

Chi Kevin nodded with a smile.

The two of them walked in the other direction.

Chi Kevin looked at the sleeping woman named Wan Li.

At her age, she seemed to be in her 40s or [-]s.

Wearing a light blue loose long dress, an elegant outfit, sunglasses, and a ponytail in her hair.

Fresh and natural look.

Looking at her back, she was somewhat similar to the Sleeping Wanli in his heart.

However, Wan Li in his memory was in her twenties. He didn't know what Wan Li would look like in her 40s if she was still alive.

Chi Kevin looked at it and turned around to buy his own things.

After a long circle, when it was time to check out, I saw the two of them again.

"Brother, thank you just now." The sleeping young man thanked him very politely.

"It's just a matter of raising your hands." Chi Kevin said.

"This is..." Wan Li couldn't see, only heard the voice.

The young man explained: "I was looking for you just now, and it was this elder brother who told me where you were."

"Oh...thank you, sir." Wan Li smiled.

Looking at it from such a close distance, Chi Kevin felt that the woman in front of him really looked like Wanli.

It's just that the skin on the face has become a little loose, and the outline has changed a little.

Chi Kevin thought to himself, if Wanli was alive, it should be like this, right?
"Brother?" The young man yelled strangely when he realized that Chi Kevin hadn't spoken for a long time.

Chi Kevin came back to his senses, and said apologetically, "Sorry, this lady, she is so similar to a deceased friend of mine, I accidentally lost my mind."

"Oh, that's it." The young man didn't care, and smiled, and it was their turn to pay.

Wan Li stood by and grabbed the rope of the guide dog in her hand.

Asked: "Sir, what's the name of your late friend?"

Chi Kevin suddenly thumped in his heart.

There is a kind of extravagant hope, there is a kind of expectation.

But he told himself, impossible, impossible.

It's just a coincidence.

" the same as you, her name is Wan Li."

Wan Li's hands trembled, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said after a while, "What a coincidence, it has the same name as mine."

"Well, yes, what a coincidence, she has been gone for 18 years." Chi Kevin smiled regretfully.

"I'm sorry to remind you of something unhappy," Wan Li said.

"It's ok."

At this time, the sleeping young man will settle the bill.

Turning to Wan Li, she said, "Wan Li, let's go."

"Okay." Wan Li replied, and the guide dog led Wan Li to follow the sleeping young man.

"I'm leaving, goodbye." Wan Li said.

"Okay." Chi Kevin nodded, looking at her sleeping sunglasses.

If only I could see her eyes, that would be fine.

Could it be that she and Wan Li have the same eyes?
"Sir, do you want to pay the bill?" The beauty at the cash register called out to him.

Chi Kevin turned around and said with a smile, "Yes, yes."

The beauty at the cash register saw that Kevin was good-looking, masculine, and well-dressed.

(End of this chapter)

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