Chapter 758

Li Yao smiled and said, "Brother Kevin, you are too kind."

"Meeting is fate. I don't have many friends." Chi Kevin laughed.

"Just because I resemble your late friend?" Wan Li asked.

"I can't explain this feeling clearly, but this is what I think in my heart. I don't want to go against my heart. Wan Li, you don't need to be stressed. I can clearly distinguish the past from the present."

The corner of Wan Li's mouth twitched, but she didn't speak in the end.

At this time, the rain outside also stopped, and the heavy rain came and went quickly.

"The rain has stopped, I'm going back, you guys go to bed early." Chi Kevin said.

"Then be careful," Wan Li said.

"En." Chi Kaiwen stood up, said goodbye to Li Yao, and walked out the door.

When he reached the entrance, he remembered something, turned around and said, "By the way, about the birthday presents of my two grandchildren, please help me think about what to give."

"I will." Wan Li nodded.

Chi Kevin turned his head and suddenly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong for a while.

After Chi Kevin left, Li Yao said to Wan Li: "Wan Li, brother Kevin seems to really care about you, do you want to think about it?"

"I don't want to trouble others." Wan Li shook her head. "My eyes are like this. When I'm with him, I just let him take care of me. Why should I bother others?"

"It's about the eyes, why don't we go to see a doctor, if it's not available in China, let's go abroad to see it?" Li Yao suggested.

"Forget it, I've been looking for doctors everywhere for the past two years, and I'm tired, that's all." Wan Li sighed, she was already scared, every time she went to a doctor, she had hope, and every time she saw a doctor, she was disappointed and painful.

In her heart, there was no way to bear another disappointment.

As it is now, if you can't see it, you can't see it. Anyway, no one wants to see it.

Chi Kevin drove all the way back, and the idea of ​​something wrong lingered in his heart, and he didn't realize it until he was almost home.

How did she know he was an uncle, not a grandfather?
Remember when he was talking to her, he didn't mention that he was single?

——Chi Kevin recalled the conversation that day.

——"By the way, in two months, when I go back, my grandson and granddaughter will be one year old. I will go out to buy some gifts in a few days, but what should I give to the children? Usually there is nothing missing, I don't know what to buy for some souvenirs, Wan Li, do you have any suggestions?"

"Grandson? You...are you going to be an uncle?" Wan Li asked in surprise. Although she couldn't see it, she could hear the voice and told Kevin that he was not old.

It's a bit surprising to be an uncle at such a young age.

Chi Kaiwen said with a smile: "Yeah, my family Yunxi got married early and gave birth to a child early. They are still a pair of twins. They are very cute, so I was upgraded to be an uncle when I was in my 40s, haha..."


Chi Kevin gathered his memories.

That's right, when she heard it that day, she said he was an uncle, not a grandfather.

After that, he said that he is still alone now.

Normal thinking, shouldn't it be that his own daughter got married, gave birth to a child, and became a grandfather by himself?

Why did she just skip this point and say it was uncle?

Could it be that she knew from the beginning that he was single and had no offspring, or that she knew that Chi Yunxi had a child.

That's right, there is a problem in the middle!

Chi Kevin suddenly felt shocked.

He has a feeling that Wanli is still the old Wanli.

But why, if she came back, why didn't she contact any of them?

(End of this chapter)

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