Chapter 770

Half an hour later, Xiong Guo finally arrived at the door of Su Quan's dormitory. He had inquired about it. This Su Quan was a boss of the Disciplinary Inspection Department. He heard that he was very ruthless. You just transferred here, so you can't be expelled tomorrow.

You have to switch the two bags quietly!
Bearberry checked that there was no one passing by, so he stuffed a tiny two-mm-thick camera in the gap under the door. It is [-] centimeters long and can basically pass through all door panels on the market. It is a must for peeking at the indoor environment.

He took a few photos with the control of his mobile phone, and he could clearly see the structure inside through the mobile phone.

Also found his bag, on the table, and there was no one in it!
Bearberry feels that God has helped him too!

Taking advantage of no one, quickly pry open the door and sneak in.

In this world, there is no lock that can prevent him.

Bearberry entered the room smoothly. Everything in the room was neatly arranged, and the corners of the table were spotless.

Bearberry tilted his mouth and nodded, thinking with certainty, this guy has a cleanliness!

Xiongguo quickly changed the two backpacks. They were really destined to carry two identical bags. No wonder he took the wrong one.

Just when Xiongguo was about to leave, the door suddenly opened.


Su Quan saw him as soon as he entered the door.

Su Quan was not surprised either, as if he had expected it a long time ago, he walked in calmly and closed the door.

Xiongguo froze for a moment, turned around and stepped out of the window.

It's only the second floor, it's easy for him to jump down~
Xiongguo thought so, but both legs were stretched out, sitting on the window sill, and when he was about to slide down with a push of his buttocks, he suddenly saw the height below clearly.

"Wow!" Bearberry yelled regretfully.

"Do you want to die?" Su Quan ran over quickly and hugged his body.

A second later, the bearberry just fell out.

"I obviously only went up the first floor of the stairs, so why is the window on the third floor?" Xiong Guo quickly grabbed Su Quan and held his hand, his legs were hanging outside the window, and he almost went down like this up.

"Don't you know that Poe is at the main entrance of the boys' dormitory?" Su Quan said angrily.

"How do I know, I just came here today! Hurry up and pull me up." Xiongguo called, looking down at the two arms holding him.

Sturdy, strong, and safe...

"Don't let go..." Xiong Guo said.

With a cold face, Su Quan didn't want to talk to him, so he backed away while hugging his body, and dragged him up from the window.

Unexpectedly, there is something uneven outside the window, just enough to cover bear fruit's pants.

Su Quan dragged hard.


Time seemed to have paused for a moment, and just when Xiong Guo and Su Quan had reacted, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a buddy jumped in with a newly bought basketball.

"Brother Quan, my new ball has arrived... Ouch!" The buddy suddenly yelled, and the ball fell to the ground.

Pointing to the weird posture of the two of them, he asked in surprise, "What kind of high-altitude posture is this?"

"Get out!" Su Quan roared angrily.

The buddy quickly backed out with a smirk and closed the door, but turned around and called out the people in the surrounding dormitories.

"There is adultery, there is adultery, come out and see, come out and see~"

in the room.

Su Quan saw that he couldn't fall anymore, so he let go.

Xiong Guo sat down on the ground with a bang.

"Damn, are you looking for smoke? It hurts me to death."

(End of this chapter)

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