Chapter 774

Xiong Guo slowly climbed down from the bed, stretched, pulled his clothes, and scratched his hair, and saw Su Quan coming out.

"it's your turn."

Xiong Guo was stunned, and asked, "Have you finished washing?"


"How many seconds?"

Su Quan didn't bother with him, put on his shoes, and asked, "Do you know where the stadium is?"

"I know." Xiong Guo said, looking up and down Su Quan, who was wearing a dark blue uniform of the Disciplinary Inspection Department. He was wearing casual clothes yesterday, and he hadn't seen such a strong figure yet.

Once this well-fitting uniform is put on, he is so handsome and perfect. If it weren't for his unapproachable face, he really wanted to ask the Disciplinary Inspection Department if he was still recruiting?
"Okay, go there by yourself. If you're late, you'll run an extra [-] laps." Su Quan didn't look at him when he was talking, and he didn't have any emotion. He was cold and didn't like him very much.

After speaking, he got up and opened the door and walked out.

After Xiongguo watched him go out, he pursed his lips disapprovingly, went in to wash up slowly, and found spare new toothbrushes and towels by rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

He didn't take a shower last night, so he quickly took a shower while no one was there. By the time he came out of the bathroom, it was already 27:[-].

Xiongguo hurriedly left the room. As soon as he left the room, he saw that the entire corridor was empty and quiet. Could it be... that everyone else had left?
This is different from the dormitory building of University A.

In University A, when the class bell rang, many people rushed out of the dormitory, and some walked slowly.

But here, he is the only one left?

Xiong Guo was suddenly tensed by this atmosphere, and hurried downstairs.

Fortunately, the stadium was not far from the dormitory building. When he ran over, there were several people from the discipline inspection department standing at the entrance of the stadium.

They wore dark blue uniforms, with discipline inspection department armbands on their arms.

A very conspicuous Ji character, very domineering.

One of them, looking at his watch, seemed to be counting the seconds, his eyes fixed on the bear fruit.

Xiong Guo felt a sense of crisis and quickly jumped into the boundary of the court.

The man seemed to regret not being able to catch him being late, and warned: "Hurry up later."

"Well, line up according to class or casually?" Xiong Guo asked.

With so many people on the court, he couldn't find his class.

And yesterday, the first day he came here, he just said hello to the teacher, and he didn't enter the classroom. He didn't know anyone at all.

"According to the class arrangement, go to your class quickly." After the classmate finished speaking, he ran to his class.

Xiongguo didn't know where he should stand at all, so he just followed a class and stood behind.

On the court, each class lined up in a square team, neatly organized, and the monitors of each class took roll call.

Xiong Guozheng was worried that it would be redundant to stand casually by himself, no one would click on his Ming, right?

When he was depressed, he saw a group of people from the Disciplinary Inspection Department in dark blue uniforms lined up and walked by, and the most imposing one was Su Quan, who slept with him on the bunk bed last night.

Xiongguo laughed, although the acquaintance was very unpleasant, but he was the first one he met here, so even though he was a little upset about his betrayal, he still wanted to have a good relationship with him.

The head of the discipline inspection department is a big backer in this school.

"Hey, hey~" Xiong Guo waved his hand at Su Quan and whispered twice.

Su Quan looked over, but just took one look and walked over.

The bear fruit cut and muttered, "What are you pulling? I'll sleep on top of you tonight!"

"Student, which class are you in? Are you standing in the wrong place?" The monitor of this class found a stranger and came over.

(End of this chapter)

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