Chapter 778

"Every night at ten o'clock, I'm responsible for cleaning the school canteen. After school, you go to the management aunt of the canteen. Naturally, someone will assign you a job for a period of one month."

"Okay." Xiong Guo accepted his fate, it didn't sound too difficult.

When Xiong Guo came out of the principal's office, he saw Su Quan standing in the corridor. He stood up straight with his hands behind his back. Was he waiting for him?
Xiong Guo walked over, but before he got there, Su Quan turned and walked away.

Xiong Guo hurriedly chased after him, with a hippie smile that couldn't be changed, he patted Su Quan's arm and said, "Are you waiting for me?"

"not at all."

When Su Quan said this, the class bell rang just in time.

His walking speed instantly became much faster.

Xiong Guo thinks that he does not have two-meter-long legs, and he does not walk so fast on weekdays, so he wants to trot all the way beside him now.

"What's the hurry, go slowly..."

"Ten laps late."

"Rely on... a perverted school."

The interval between the preparatory bell and the official class bell is only 2 minutes.

Fortunately, the principal's office is not far from their teaching building, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to escape ten laps.

As soon as he entered the classroom, the head teacher also came and asked him to introduce himself.

"Hi everyone, my name is Xiong Guo, and we will be classmates from now on."

As soon as Xiong Guo finished speaking, all the students in the class laughed.

"Bearberry? Isn't the name too funny?"

"Those who don't know think it's edible."

The head teacher looked at the remaining seats, pointed to the ones at the back, and said, "Student Xiongguo, there are still a few vacancies at the back, you can choose one yourself."

Xiong Guo took a look. In the last row of the second group, Su Quan was sitting alone, and there was no one around him.

Xiong Guo walked towards Su Quan.

As soon as he left, even the head teacher was staring at him, and the whole class, including Su Quan himself, was also staring at him.

The students are all the same in their hearts.

How dare he sit with Su Quan?
Xiong Guo put his schoolbag on the side of Su Quan and sat down.

"I'll sit with you." Bearberry smiled.

The expressions of the surrounding students were wonderful, but Su Quan just glanced at it lightly, and responded, "Yes."

The students around gave Xiongguo admiring eyes, and being seated with Minister Su means that from now on, you can't miss in class, you can't cheat in exams, you can't be late and leave early, and all kinds of small actions that violate discipline are not allowed to happen...

In addition to admiration, everyone also deeply doubted Xiong Guo's IQ.

Is he stupid?

Everyone was still thinking about yesterday's blacknet incident, so as soon as the announcement was posted on the bulletin board in front of the teaching building, many students ran to see it.

Gossip has always spread quickly.

Xiongguo went to the bathroom in 10 minutes between classes, but someone deliberately went to the bathroom to take a look at him,
"Are you crazy? What are you looking at?" Xiong Guo roared in displeasure, and hurriedly left the bathroom. After coming out, he saw a large group of female students wandering outside, all of them came to have a look, to see him What it looked like, after seeing it, he left with indescribable expressions.

Someone suddenly recognized him.

"He's the one carried away by Minister Su today."

"He looks so handsome."

Su Quan was walking towards him at this time, and Xiong Guo found that the places he passed had become extremely quiet, and then the gathered people would quickly disperse.

Xiong Guo suddenly found a reason to like Su Quan, the magic tool to repel flies!

"Hi." Xiong Guo and Su Quan greeted each other.

"En." Su Quan replied coolly and walked over.

Bearberry touched his nose boredly and walked back to the classroom.

After the morning class, when school was over, Xiong Guo packed up his things and asked Su Quan next to him, "Shall we have dinner together at noon?"

"Go and eat by yourself, I'm not free yet."

(End of this chapter)

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