Chapter 787

Su Quan took out a casual outfit from the closet and handed it to Xiongguo.

Bearberry now has a SpongeBob SquarePants all over his body,
Swaggering very aboveboard and happy.

But he looked so thin that Su Quan looked a little anxious.

"Your clothes are not dry yet, you want to go out to eat like this?"

"If I go out like this, I won't be beaten? Thank you, good man, oh, good circle."

Xiongguo smiled and went into the bathroom with his clothes in his arms.

"Slippers." Su Quan said, taking a pair of slippers from under his bed and handing them to him.

"Oh, thanks." Without looking back, Xiong Guo reached for the slippers and went in to close the door.


Su Quan's clothes are plus size, but bear fruit basically wears plus size a little loose.

Now wearing a plus size, the clothes are baggy, making him look even thinner.

Bearberry also needs to hold the pants with his hands, otherwise they will fall off.

"Is there any pants that are smaller?" Xiong Guo asked.

"Just tighten the rope at the top of the trousers." Su Quan said, the trousers of the sports pants are all tied with a rope, even if you are thin, you can still wear them without falling off.

"Is there? Why didn't I find it?" Bearberry touched, only found one end, and the other end has been retracted into the trousers.

Su Quan came over and grabbed his hand, and said, "Don't pull it anymore, if you pull it, it will all come out."

"Then how do you get it out?" Bearberry asked.

"Don't move, I'll help you." As Su Quan said, he bent down, pinched his trousers, and found the end of the retracted rope. There was a section of hard plastic at the end of the rope, which made it easier for him to push it out.


"Okay." Su Quan pulled out one end of the rope, pulled it, and adjusted the tightness of his trousers for him. "Don't you?"

"Hmmm...not tight." Bearberry shook his head.

"What are we going to eat later? The food in the school cafeteria is very average. Is there any delicious shop outside? I don't know when I first came here. Take me to eat."

The familiar appearance of bear fruit is really annoying to Su Quan sometimes, but he also has an inexplicable ability that makes people hate but can't bear to refuse.

"I seldom eat out, and I don't know much about it," Su Quan said.

"Ah? Do you eat at the hall every day?"

"I think the school canteen is pretty good."

"Hey, it's not bad, I'm tired of eating every day."

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat grilled chicken, grilled fish, fried squid rings, sizzling beef, pan-fried cod fillets, lemon duck..." Xiong Guo reported the name of the dish.

Su Quan glanced at it and said, "Can you eat that much in one meal? There is a barbecue restaurant outside."

"Really? Then let's go, as soon as possible, otherwise there will be too many people and we will queue up later." Bearberry immediately jumped up,

"Let's go." Su Quan took the keys and mobile phone, suddenly remembered something, and asked back, "What did you use to open the door of my dormitory?"

"This." Bearberry took out a bunch of things from his bag, which were things for professional lockpicking.

"I'll give you a spare key. Don't use that kind of thing to open the door in the future." Su Quan took out a spare key from the drawer and handed it to him.

Prying open the door every time is like being a thief.

"Oh, okay." Bearberry took the key and said something on a whim, "Why does it feel like you are going to support me from now on?"

Su Quan opened the door and asked, "What can I do to support you?"

"Help you eat."

"Fuck off."


Xiong Guo followed Su Quan out the door.

Su Quan, who has always been a loner, now has someone by his side. This way out, many people turned their heads.

Xiongguo and Su Quan left the school and went to the barbecue restaurant that Su Quan mentioned. As soon as they entered, they saw their friends.

The few who beat the bear fruit before happened to also eat in this shop.

When those people saw Su Quan, they all behaved obediently, and only glared at Xiong Guo when Su Quan passed by.

Bearberry curled his lips, too lazy to talk to them.

"Let's go to the box on the second floor." Su Quan said, and led Xiongguo up to the second floor.

As soon as they left, those people immediately started talking.

"What is the background of this newcomer? Why is he with Minister Su?"

"They don't know each other, do they?"

"Will we be targeted by Minister Su in the future?"

"That's terrible. You shouldn't offend the Disciplinary Inspection Department if you offend anyone..."

Once seated, Xiong Guo ordered a lot of dishes.

While waiting for the food to be served, Su Quan asked him about his wristband.

"It's just some small inventions." Xiong Guo said.

"Then why did it explode?"

"I set it to detonate when I can't beat it."

"Are you not afraid of hurting others?"

"I set it up so that no one will be hurt. At most, it will hurt and scare people."

"In the future, you are not allowed to bring those inventions of yours to school. If anyone is hurt, the parents of the other party will be held accountable and they will come to school to make trouble. It is not good for anyone."

"Understood, I didn't expect anyone to beat me. I just came here, and I didn't offend anyone...Why did they beat me?"

"It's said that it's just that you don't like it."

"Huh? I'm not ugly, can I be so unpleasing to the eye that a group of people will beat me up?" Xiong Guo didn't believe it.

"That's what their confession was, or your previous behavior on the dark web caused their displeasure. Anyway, this matter is over, and no one should be so bold in the future."

After all, this matter will be punished publicly, and it should be used as an example. No one should be so bold in the future.

What's more, who doesn't know that he lives in a dormitory with him in the future?
No one in Lingying dared to move his dormitory so boldly.

Bearberry shrugged, but he didn't care too much, and when the meat came up, he didn't care even more.

After ordering a table full of barbecue, Su Quan thought he wouldn't be able to finish it all. In the end, the bear fruit was so skinny that he ate a lot. He went to the bathroom on the way, and he could continue to eat a lot when he came back.

"You are really the reincarnation of a pig..." Su Quan said.

Xiong Guo was not angry either, and said cheerfully, "Don't worry, I won't make you poor."

Su Quan rolled his eyes.

From this day on, Xiong Guo became the brother of the upper berth of Su Quan.

Miraculously became good buddies.



(End of this chapter)

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