Chapter 1000
"What's the matter?" the old lady asked curiously.

Yun Qian said in a low voice: "My uncle said that my aunt was born in my grandfather's niece. When I brought it home, I was afraid that my grandmother would be unhappy, so I lied to my grandmother that he brought this girl back after seeing this girl. My grandmother didn't doubt that she had him. , and asked my aunt to serve my mother, and because my grandfather treated my aunt differently from ordinary maids, my grandmother became suspicious, and checked carefully, and later found that it was true, and even had a fight with my grandfather. All the masters in the house know about it, but they just don’t say anything.”

The old lady was slightly startled when she heard Yun Qian's words at this time, her eyes were a little surprised, she looked at Yun Qian and said, "Is this true?"

"How dare I talk nonsense like that." Yunqian said softly: "My aunt knew about this, but she was always afraid that it would be difficult for her mother and caring about grandpa's face, so she kept burying it in her heart. When my aunt gave my mother a dowry, she intended to let her be a concubine, but she probably had some concerns at the time, so she suppressed the matter."

These days, the old lady saw that Mochou took care of Yunfu's affairs in an orderly manner, and that although Mochou had a gentle temper, she was very knowledgeable. The old lady also liked it very much, and with Yunqian's current status, she She thought about mentioning Mo Chou's status to Yun Jingyan, but she never had a suitable reason. When Yun Qian said this, her eyes were filled with deep thought.

Yunqian is now the concubine of the world, and women who are concubines are the most likely to be criticized by others. The old man has thought about this for Yunqian. Now that Yunqian has proposed this matter, she has some thoughts in her heart.

In fact, she has heard a few words about Mo Chou's life experience before. When Yun Jingyan took Mo Chou's house back then, the old lady sent someone to check her life experience in detail, but as the main wife, she also understood Su Qiaohui's feelings suppressed this matter.Later, I saw that Mo Chou was soft-tempered, and she was also a woman, so she knew what it was like, so she didn't interfere in this matter.

Now that Su Qiaohui is seriously ill, from the looks of it, I'm afraid there won't be much future, and the Yunfu also needs someone to take care of it, if Yun Jingyan is asked to find another woman from outside to take care of the house, it may not be as good as Mochou.

Moreover, Yun Jingyan is already in his fifties, and if she continues with a younger person, she may not be sensible, and if she finds a widow to come back, she feels that it would be inappropriate.It's better to find a sensible and reliable person in the mansion to take care of Yun Mansion, she will feel more at ease.

It's just that about what Yunqian said, she also has a lot of considerations in her heart. Su Qiaohui is not dead yet, and many things will be difficult to do after all, so she has more worries.

"The fifth girl is complaining on behalf of your aunt?" The old lady looked at Yun Qian with a three-point smile and said, there was an element of temptation in her words.

Yun Qian said softly: "Where is grandma going? My aunt has the most gentle temperament, but today I saw Princess Ming making things difficult for my aunt during the banquet, and I felt a little sad, so I just talked about it casually. I mean, grandma just listen to this matter, after all, some husbands and aunts feel wronged in my heart."

The old lady smiled, her eyes deepened, and Yunqian said again: "Besides, my aunt is the kindest person, and she respects her mother very much. If grandma and father really want her to be her position, she may not be willing to accept it." agree."

(End of this chapter)

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