Chapter 1007

When Yun Yan looked into his eyes again, she saw that there was only thick warmth in his eyes, as if the rudeness and ruthlessness just now were just illusions, but her heart couldn't help trembling slightly, she said softly: "My lord ..."

After she shouted this, she was already crying. Chu Mo stretched out his hand and stroked her back lightly, his eyes were deep, but his movements were very gentle.

The doctor coughed lightly and said: "My condolences, I have often seen Mrs. Yun these days. Although her body is weak, I originally thought that Mrs. Yun could live for a while, but I didn't expect..."

He sighed lightly when he said this.

Yun Yan got up from Chu Mo's arms and said, "Doctor, how did my mother die?"

The doctor glanced at Su Qiaohui and said: "Mrs. Yun has been lingering on the sick bed for some time, but she hasn't reached the point where the lamp is exhausted. When I took her pulse a few days ago, her pulse was not bad. I saw her today, it's really good." It made me a little surprised. Just looking at her dark blue face, she seemed to have died of poisoning. Mrs. Xu Shiyun has been ill for a long time, and she is really suffering from the pain!"

When he said this, he sighed again, but he also confirmed Yun Yan's accusation against Yun Qian just now.

When Yunqian heard the doctor's words, there was a chill in her eyes. Sure enough, this was a game specially prepared for her.

As soon as Yun Yan heard the doctor's words, she looked at Yun Qian viciously and said, "Father, did you hear that? My mother died of poisoning. I have been with my mother today. She has no possibility of taking poison by herself. Besides, how can there be poison in this room? Only Yunqian has been in contact with her mother, and she had a grudge against her earlier, that's why she did such a thing!"

Yun Jingyan's eyes turned cold when he heard what the doctor and Yun Yan said. He hated Yun Yan and Yun Qian pinching each other the most, especially in front of Chu Mo and Chu Yuanzhou. His performance was quite satisfactory so far. If Yun Qian poisoned Su Qiaohui to death, he felt that the possibility was really unlikely.

He immediately said sharply: "Yan'er, don't talk nonsense, your mother is also Qian'er's mother, how could she do such a thing?"

The old lady has seen a lot of fights in the inner house, and she always felt that no matter how fierce a woman fights behind her back, she should never fight in front of a man. Yun Yan's actions today are not very smart.It's just that Su Qiaohui died like this, Yunqian can't completely get rid of the relationship, Yunyan and Su Qiaohui's mother and daughter are deeply in love, and it is understandable for her to lose control today.

So the old lady also said from the side: "Yan'er, I know you feel uncomfortable when your mother is gone. Your mother died of poisoning, but you can't blame Qian'er for your mother's death."

Yun Yan knelt down and said: "Grandma, you have always been fair in dealing with things, I beg you, this time, no matter what, you must uphold justice for my mother. You heard it just now, the doctor said that my mother will not be in such a short period of time. There will be life worries in her heart, maybe she once couldn't think about it, but today I have been by my mother's side, and when I go to eat at noon, I have always told Ping'er to take care of her mother, I came over after lunch At that time, my mother was still fine, and during the whole day, only Yun Qian administered acupuncture for Fifth Sister, and Fifth Sister cured Princess Chu's illness, presumably she is proficient in medical science, and she is the only one who has the chance to attack Mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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