Chapter 1013
Yun Yan was shocked and said: "Mother, this is absolutely unacceptable! If something happens to you, what will I do in the future?"

Su Qiaohui stretched out her hand to gently caress Yun Yan, with tears rolling down her eyes, she said in a low voice, "I don't want to do this either, if Yan'er, you know? How happy I have been these days, I look like this, it's really It's better to die than to live!"

Yun Yan shook her head and said, "No, mother, don't do this!"

She hated Yunqian in her heart, but she didn't want Su Qiaohui to bring down Yunqian with her life, and she was not sure about this matter, so she didn't want to take the risk.

Su Qiaohui's eyes were dim, but she said softly: "For the past few months, I have been lying on the hospital bed, my heart is full of pain, but I can't do anything. I have been thinking all these days, how can I get rid of it in such a day? It's over, I've thought about it for a long time, but there is no good way. I saw you today and asked Yun Qian to give me acupuncture, and I found that this is the only chance I can deal with Yun Qian. "

Yun Yan burst into tears when she heard the words, Su Qiaohui said again: "If my death can be used to exchange Yun Qian's restless life for the rest of his life, then my death will be worth it."

Yun Yan burst into tears immediately, Su Qiaohui stretched out her hand to stroke her hair and said, "Even though I am very reluctant to part with you and your elder brother, but there is no other way to do it now. Now that Yunqian has Prince Chu's mansion as the backstage, King Ming must be afraid of three times." Point, Yan'er, you must redouble your efforts in the future, you must not be the same as before, you must be careful in your actions, and you will never be able to take care of you as a mother in the future."

Yun Yan desperately shook her head and said, "Mother, no!"

Tears rolled down Su Qiaohui's eyes, but she said to Yun Yan: "I have had enough these past few months, Yan'er should stop trying to persuade me, you have to be careful about things in a while, Yun Qian is very cunning , you must not be careless, as long as you can use my death to ruin her reputation, you don't have to admit that she killed me, do you understand?"

Yun Yan shook her head desperately, Su Qiaohui's eyes were full of viciousness and said: "Even if I die, I will let Yun Qian go!"

It's just that after Su Qiaohui took the poison, Yunyan was in a state of disarray. She was really unwilling to just tarnish Yunqian's reputation, so she asked her cronies to bribe a doctor, and then what happened just now happened.

By this time, Yun Yan had already regretted a little, why didn't she listen to Su Qiaohui's words, she just tarnished Yun Qian's reputation, and now that the matter has become like this, I'm afraid that even if she tries to label Yun Qian as murdering Su Qiaohui not easy.

She gently wiped away her tears, Yunzheng looked at her from the sidelines, but did not speak, Yunqian pierced Su Qiaohui's body with 36 needles, and most of the needle holes were on the back, Yunzheng and Su Qiaohui Yun Yan couldn't understand why Yun Qian had to prick the needles in those places, but the doctor could understand at a glance that those needles were all pricked on Su Qiaohui's liver meridian. This method of pricking the needles is very safe, and it can be excreted from the body The poisonous things accumulated will not harm the body at all, even if the doctor wants to find Yun Qian's fault, he can't find it.

Yun Qian's eyes were calm and indifferent, she looked at the doctor fixedly, and then asked calmly: "Doctor, is there something wrong with these needles?"

The doctor looked carefully, hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Generally speaking, there is no problem, but Mrs. Yun's lungs are not good, and Shi Zifei's needles are all stuck on the liver meridian..."

(End of this chapter)

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