Chapter 1042
Princess Chu glanced at Lu Zhu, and saw that she was wearing plain clothes today. Due to being locked up for many days, she looked thinner and not in good spirits. Although she was annoyed Lu Zhu was vicious, but he didn't show too much, and said unhurriedly: "They are all my sisters, please be polite, you have learned a lot of truths in the Buddhist hall these days, let the past things pass by! "

Her words were loud but very heartbreaking, Lu Zhu raised his head slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Princess Chu with fixed eyes, but Princess Chu no longer paid attention to her, and said to the maid behind her: It's all here, Bucai!"

Yilan responded, and served the dishes in the kitchen.

Standing there, Lu Zhu felt at a loss. During the Chinese New Year, she used to sit there and eat with the King of Chu. Now Princess Chu was sitting there. She didn't know whether to stand there or sit down. She knew All of this depends on the intention of the King of Chu. If the King of Chu asks her to sit down, it means that the King of Chu has forgiven her. If the King of Chu does not express anything, it means that he is still angry with her.

And according to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, she is a side concubine, so to speak, she is a concubine, and the concubine's room is the master who cannot sit down during meals.

Looking at Lu Zhu's appearance, Chu Tianqi was also a little anxious, she turned her eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "Father, this year's New Year's Eve, Lu Side Concubine knows her mistakes if she wants to come, why not let her sit with my daughter , the daughter serves the king’s meal?”

Her words were a little clever, she was the master of the palace, but she asked Lu Zhu to sit down, and she stood up, to put it bluntly, she wanted to ask for a place for Lu Zhu to sit.

She felt that the King of Chu loved Lu Zhu very much in the past, but this time, even if he committed a crime, on such a happy day like tonight when the family is reunited, if she said such words, the King of Chu would definitely let Lu Zhu sit down.

Unexpectedly, the King of Chu said unhurriedly: "What does the princess think?"

Princess Chu's eyes slanted slightly after hearing King Chu's words, she glanced at Lu Zhu, and said unhurriedly: "Everything can be done according to the prince's wishes."

Yun Qian said with a smile beside her: "Sixth Sister is really very filial. Concubine Luside is really lucky to have a daughter like you. It's just that according to the rules of the Great Zhou, when the master is eating, he behaves like a concubine. Can't sit down. But today is a family banquet, and there are no such etiquette and rules, everything is decided by the father."

When Chu Tianqi heard Yunqian's words, she glanced at Yunqian, with a hint of anger in her eyes.

When Yun Qian saw the anger in Chu Tianqi's eyes, there was a smile in her eyes. After all, Chu Tianqi was still young, and although she was smart, she still couldn't hide too many things, not as deep as Lu Zhu's. .

The fists under Lu Zhu's sleeves were clenched even tighter. Since she followed the King of Chu, she first worked as a concubine. No one cared about the days when the concubine was outside. She used to live very comfortably.After she was carried into the palace by the king of Chu to be a side concubine, the princess of Chu didn't have many rules, and she never made things difficult for her before. Later, after she designed to poison the princess of Chu, she was even more outstanding in the palace, and she was very popular with the king of Chu. Beloved, although I know the difference between the side concubine and the main concubine, but I don't feel much on weekdays.

But what happened tonight made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She knew that the comfortable days before were probably completely over by now.

(End of this chapter)

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