Chapter 1047
Princess Chu said sharply, "Stop!"

Because she was pinched by the King of Chu just now, even though she was not breathing at this time, her voice was still trembling.The desperation and fear of dying made her feel even more chilly, and she felt that she had to say something clearly, otherwise such things would happen again in the future.

The King of Chu stopped but did not look back. Princess Chu fell on the ground and said: "If you feel that you are merciful at this time, and just now handed over the power of the palace to me, I will thank you, then you are wrong. .I will never thank you, never fall in love with you, and never hate you, you and I are just strangers!"

King Chu's body trembled slightly, his heart was full of sadness, but he didn't speak, and strode out straight away.

Outside the house was full of wind and snow, and the cold wind blew, but his muscular body took a big step back. If he hadn't leaned against the wall, he might have fallen to the ground.

When he came in with her just now, he was a little happy in his heart. He wanted to talk to her well, and he also wanted to take a good look at her. He thought that so many years had passed, as long as he could pull himself down so that he could coax her, then If she is not with you, even if she doesn't forgive him, he will stay with her tonight and give her a good hug.

But as soon as they entered, they only said a few words, and their emotions were out of control.

He felt a little regretful and a little annoyed, but he was full of helplessness. He would rather she hated him, but there was no trace of hatred in her eyes when she looked at him, only the coldness and indifference, those emotions drove him almost crazy .

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his temples. After rubbing, he stared blankly at his own hand again. He knew that after tonight's incident, she might become even more indifferent when she saw him in the future, and she would stop talking to him.

King Chu felt a little regretful, how could such a good thing turn into this.

His eyes were dark and unclear, but he sneered, he had turned down his face to look for her today, and it was she who stepped on his dignity, and it was probably impossible for the two of them to talk properly for the rest of their lives.

He let out a breath, glanced at the heavy snow all over the sky, and then at Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian who were embracing each other in the snow. He felt more and more lonely and cold in his heart.

His eyes closed slightly, and then opened quickly. He could win the hearts of women all over the world, but he couldn't win hers. He felt that he was a joke.

He had already passed the age where he would go drinking whenever he was depressed. He strode towards Lu Zhu's room. At this moment, Lu Zhu was talking with Chu Tianqi and Chu Tianyou. Seeing him coming in, Lu Zhu was slightly surprised.

Chu Tianqi and Chu Tianyou looked at each other, saluted and then retreated.

Seeing that his face was not good-looking, Lu Zhu hurriedly came forward and said, "My lord, do you want a cup of tea?"

The King of Chu raised his eyes slightly, and seeing her smiling gently, her eyes were full of gentleness, which was in stark contrast to Princess Chu's almost indifferent face, so he nodded slightly.

Lu Zhu didn't ask him why he wasn't at Princess Chu's place, but turned around and brewed a good pot of Longjing for him. He took a small sip of the tea cup, and then let out a sigh of relief.

Lu Zhu walked behind him and gently pressed his shoulders and said: "My lord has been tired all day, I think I'm a little tired, how about I wash his feet to relieve his fatigue?"

(End of this chapter)

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