Chapter 1049 Marriage Like a Dream
Chu Yuanzhou took a look at Yunqian and walked out. Seeing him leave, Yunqian said, "Mother, don't pay attention to Yuanzhou's nonsense, although I don't know the cause of the matter between you and your father, since I entered the palace , I have seen him visit you secretly several times, and although I don't really like how my father behaves, I feel that he has a heart for my mother."

It's not that she wants to say good things for King Chu, but that it's not a problem for King Chu and Princess Chu to continue like this.Even if she doesn't like the King of Chu anymore, under such circumstances, the only one who can give Princess Chu happiness is the King of Chu.

Princess Chu smiled, stretched out her hand to hold Yun Qian's hand and said: "Qian'er, you are a good boy, the prince has made things difficult for you several times, yet you still speak nice words for him, it's just Qian'er, the matter between me and your father It's not clear in a few words. We are all women, and I will not hide some things from you."

There was a slight pause in her words, Yun Qian raised her eyes, and she said slowly: "Before I married into the Chu Palace, there was a person I liked. Back then, he went to the late Emperor to ask for my marriage with your father." He came, he was still a prince at that time, and he had not yet been crowned king. When I first arrived in the capital, I was very happy. I danced in a flower field outside the capital. At first I didn’t know why he wanted to marry me. When I took off my red hijab, I recognized him as the man who watched me dance on horseback. I once regretted why I danced that dance in the flower field. If I didn’t dance, I wouldn’t need to marry give him."

Yunqian guessed the story of King Chu and Princess Chu several times, but she didn't expect it to be like this. She lightly pursed her lips and said, "Mother hated him at that time?"

Princess Chu shook her head lightly and said, "That incident happened because of me, how can I hate him? It's just that I feel a little regretful in my heart, but I also tell myself that I should put away my temper and live a good life with him."

Yun Qian knew that Princess Chu's thoughts that day were the most common choices made by women in this era, but things obviously did not develop in this direction.

Sure enough, Princess Chu continued: "In the early days of marriage, although I didn't like him, your father was also a handsome man when he was young, and he treated me very well, so I also tried to slowly put the other one in my heart to rest. People forget. Once, when I went to Baolai Temple to offer incense and met that person, I realized that I hadn’t really let go of my heart. It’s now that there’s no possibility between me and him. I told him not to come to me in the future. Can't cry..."

When she said this, she paused for a moment, and there was a touch of confusion in her eyes. She said softly: "Later, this matter was known to your father somehow, and he was furious. I didn't dare to say anything more. Never meet that person again. Didn't expect, didn't expect..."

Yun Qian's heart tightened, Princess Chu bit her lips and said: "I didn't expect that the prince planned to harm that person secretly, which caused his house to be ransacked, his whole family to be accused, and he also died on the way to exile. .I went to investigate the cause of his death later, and I only said that he died of illness, but I know that he has always been in good health and has good martial arts. How could such a person die of illness on the road?"

Yun Qian was slightly startled, she knew that the king of Chu would act swiftly and resolutely, but she did not expect it to be so ruthless, tears rolled down from the corner of Princess Chu's eyes, she said softly: "Because I am not willing, so I went to investigate again later, All the evidence proves that he was poisoned to death."

(End of this chapter)

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