Chapter 1052 Glittering Gold
The queen mother was very happy to see everyone. After they kowtowed their heads, the queen mother smiled and asked everyone to get up, and then asked the maid behind her to distribute the purses. After everyone thanked her, the queen mother took Yun Qian's hand and said: "Last year I This old woman is thanks to You Qian'er, now my legs are already healed, and my mood is much better."

Yun Qian said with a smile: "My medical skills are only mediocre, but in fact, Grandma Huang is kind, and God also thinks that Grandma Huang is in good health!"

"You are the only one who can talk." The queen mother said with a smile, and she rewarded Yun Qian with a lot of things.

The queen smiled and said: "Mother, you love Qian'er, the granddaughter-in-law, more than you did your own daughter back then. Are you not afraid that the princesses will be jealous if they find out?"

The queen mother also laughed and said: "What are they jealous of? If they have the ability, they can cure my old cold leg!"

When the queen mother said this, the atmosphere in the room became more relaxed and cheerful.

People from the West Palace also came to pay their respects, and Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou walked out through the side door. The palace is very lively today, and almost all the emperor's relatives are going to enter the palace today, so there are more guards than before. After a while, the maids and eunuchs were all busy.

Yun Qian glanced at the densely packed people in the room, and felt that it was difficult to breathe, she chuckled lightly and said, "My lord, there are so many people in the royal family, I just counted them roughly, I'm afraid there are hundreds of people. "

Chu Yuanzhou also said with a smile: "The royal family likes the prosperity of their offspring the most, but sometimes they really don't know whether such prosperity is a blessing or a curse."

The corners of Yunqian's mouth curled up slightly, but he could hear the human voice behind him: "If my brother heard what you said, I'm afraid I will give you a big mouth."

The two looked back, and saw Princess Qionghua standing there in full of jewels today. Yun Qian saw that she was wearing five or six phoenix hairpins, seven or eight phoenix hairpins, and a set of sapphire hairpins on her body. The treasure on it was the size of a pigeon's egg, and the collar and cuffs of the clothes on his body were embedded with precious stones everywhere, making Yun Qian dazzled a little.

Standing beside her was Chu Yi in a blue brocade robe. Today, Chu Yi tied his hair with a gold ring. He was originally born cold. Now that he was dressed like this, his whole body became colder. There is a cold breath everywhere.

Chu Yi saw that the light in Yunqian's eyes was faint, even though there was still something strange in his heart, his eyes were already calm, and he only nodded slightly to her.

As soon as Yunqian saw Chu Yi, her heartbeat was a little flustered, but her face was still calm, but she smiled at Princess Qionghua: "My sister seems to have made a fortune recently, this life is really rich, it shakes my heart. Eyes hurt."

Princess Qionghua walked to her side, stretched out her hand and tapped her forehead and said: "You bumpkin, I have never seen the world, so my eyes are dazzled, I think you have never been there when I was covered in jewels, that's called true beauty." Wealth!"

Yun Qian laughed when she heard the words: "Sister, don't you look like you are full of jewels today?"

"I like it!" Princess Qionghua smiled and said: "Looking at your poor appearance, I really can't look down on you as a sister. Come, come, come, I will give you a New Year's gift!"

After she finished speaking, she pulled out a step shaker from her head and inserted it into Yun Qian's head.

Yun Qian smiled, letting her mess around, but then said with a smile: "Thank you sister, I'm really poor!"

(End of this chapter)

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