Chapter 1055 Chu Yi's Wrath

With a "bang", the cup of tea in Chu Yuan's hand splashed onto Chu Yi's face, and then the teacup hit the ground heavily.

There was a bit of anger in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, but he also knew that if he tried to persuade him to fight at this time, it would be counterproductive, and Chu Yi has always been a calm person, so he must have some intentions to provoke Chu Yuan at this time. His eyes rolled around and he said: "It's good if the teacup is broken, it's safe to be broken, and safe every year!"

Chu Yi calmly reached out and wiped off the tea leaves on his face: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"You'd better recognize your identity!" Chu Yuan's eyes were full of arrogance: "Father thought you were pitiful, so he gave you such a position. After all, you are a slave, even if you are The emperor's seed is also born in slavery! Have you ever seen any prince take up such a position like you?"

Chu Yi said slowly: "It turns out that the eldest prince thinks that the position that my father gave me as Jingjiwei is not pleasing to the eye, and the elder brother can dissuade my father."

"You don't want to move the father out in front of me!" Chu Yuan said coldly: "What are you, dare to talk to me like this!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to hit Chu Yi. Chu Yuanzhou took his hand and said, "Prince, this is in the palace, and the emperor will have lunch with us later. If the emperor hears about the beating of the second prince, the emperor will be unhappy."

"My son, do you really think that the father cares about him?" Chu Yuan raised his chin high and said: "The father is just because he has relieved the entourage of Princess Tuoyin and his relatives, and that he is pitiful, so give him an errand to do." Just do it, I dare say, within a month, he will be dismissed!"

As soon as Chu Yuan said these words, Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou looked at each other, and Chu Yuanzhou asked: "The emperor is so good, how can he dismiss the post of the second prince?"

"You don't know this!" Chu Yuan said with a smug look in his eyes: "Who among the princes in Beijing is pleasing to Chu Yuan? If nothing else, the third child will not tolerate him!"

Chu Yuan's eyes were full of disdain, and Chu Yuanzhou asked Chu Yuan's words: "What did the eldest prince hear?"

"The third child has always wanted to replace the leader of Jingjiwei with his own." Chu Yuan raised his chin slightly and said, "The second child is definitely not easy to buy, so of course he wants to replace the second child with his own person." .Now I am the only one who can protect the second child!"

Chu Yi's eyes darkened after hearing Chu Yuan's words, and Chu Yuan glanced at Chu Yi and said: "If you listen to my arrangement carefully in the future, I don't care that you are a slave, and I will let you live a happy life in the future." Good day, if you don't listen to me, I can guarantee that within a month, you will have to crawl back to Ningde obediently, and you will never even think about coming back in the future!"

Chu Yi didn't speak, but Chu Yuanzhou pulled Chu Yi's sleeve and said: "Second Prince..."

Chu Yi sneered and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the eldest prince, but I don't think I can't even do well as the leader of Jingjiwei. This position was given by my father, so only my father can remove me job."

When he said these words, it seemed to Chu Yuan that he didn’t know the facts. Today, Chu Yuan deliberately humiliated Chu Yi because the queen told Chu Yuan a few days ago that the position of the leader of Jingjiwei involves many people, and Chu Yi is not a good one. It is unlikely that the beloved prince will aspire to the top position in the future, so let him draw Chu Yuan over to become his own person, and there will be one more person who can be used in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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