Chapter 1057 The Scary Princess
When Princess Qionghua took Yunqian to the Imperial Garden, the flowers and plants there had already been covered by ice and snow, only the red plum blossoms in the East Garden were left in full bloom, the surroundings were white, the lake was also frozen, and the road in the Imperial Garden was curved. It was crooked, had been cleaned out, and was sprinkled with a thin layer of salt, and the road was not icy or slippery.

Princess Qionghua seemed to be in a good mood, she had already pulled out a lot of Buyao phoenix hairpins from her head before she arrived in the East Garden, unexpectedly one of the Buyao phoenix hairpins got stuck in her hair, she hurriedly said: "Qianqian Help!"

Yunqian laughed when she saw her actions, and carefully separated the beads and hair that were falling on the step shaker, and then pulled out the step shaker.

Princess Qionghua let out a long sigh of relief after pulling it out, "Damn it, you crushed me to death!"

Yun Qian covered her lips and said, "Since my sister thinks it's heavy, why do you have to wear so much on your head?"

"I like to dress up in front of people to look extremely rich." Princess Qionghua said indifferently: "I don't have a man, how can I lose money, if I look shabby, the queen mother will be sad when she sees it, my sisters If you see it, you will laugh at me."

Yun Qian knew that the concubines and princesses in the palace liked comparisons the most. Women compared each other, but it was just two things, one was a man, and the other was money.

Princess Qionghua has long since lost her son-in-law, and has done a lot of ridiculous things over the years, but she is still afraid of being underestimated.

Yunqian sighed softly and said, "Sister, actually you don't have to embarrass yourself so much, in my heart, sister will always be the best."

Princess Qionghua laughed lightly and said: "People fight for breath, and Buddhas fight for a stick of incense. Although I am the most beloved little daughter of my father and the most beloved little sister of my brother, if I get their love, I am doomed." Faced with the tit-for-tat of other sisters. When the son-in-law passed away, I was often ridiculed by the sisters. At that time, I thought the sky was about to collapse, but now I think it’s a bit funny. Forget who I am and why I am alive, but when I look back, maybe life is like this, so how can everything go as you want?"

Listening to her words, Yun Qian felt a little sad, and gently took her hand and said, "Sister..."

Princess Qionghua interrupted her with a light smile, "I made you laugh."

Yun Qian heard that the remaining smile on her face also disappeared, but Princess Qionghua said softly: "But last year I cleaned up that bitch, the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, and I was very happy!"

Yun Qian didn't answer, and Princess Qionghua smiled and said: "I'm very happy to think about you!"

Yunqian's eyes were dim, and she said slowly: "Actually, Bailuo people are pretty good."

Her words were a bit out of date, Princess Qionghua blinked her eyes and said: "Qianqian, don't you want to abandon the boat and want that little fat man? Let me tell you, that little fat man is nothing Good thing, I have [-] twists and turns in my heart, and if I'm stingy, I'm going to die, and the family has too much money to spend, and I'm still tossing and tossing around, it's not a fun thing."

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, she looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "I have never been half-hearted about Bai Luo, and he has never been half-hearted about me."

"That's good, I was scared to death just now." Princess Qionghua patted her chest exaggeratedly and said, she said so, but her eyes were full of indifference.

(End of this chapter)

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