Chapter 1060
Yunqian sighed softly, feeling that today was really a bad start, and wanted to ask someone to ask, but today, the maids and eunuchs in the palace were all helping in the vestibule, but there were even a eunuch and eunuch in Nuo Da's imperial garden. None of the maids could be found.

Yun Qian had no choice but to see that it was not too early, so she wanted to go back the same way, but there were many forks in the imperial garden. No matter which way you come, the scenery around you is similar, so it can't serve as a reference at all.

Although she has a good memory, it is not very obvious when it comes to remembering the road. Today is a vast expanse of snow, without the sun or other objects as a reference, and even a person with a good sense of direction may not be able to tell the difference between south, east and north.

She bit her lip lightly, and had no choice but to leave indiscriminately. At this time, there were patches of white snow floating in the sky again. She cried out bitterly in her heart. With the princess here, the two of them will never get lost.

Seeing a palace in front of her, she wanted to go up to ask for directions, but when she got closer, she found that the palace was a bit dilapidated, in such a condition, it seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time.

After thinking about it, she decided to knock on the door first, even if she met a eunuch or a court lady, she could leave here.

It's just that when she got closer, she heard a woman's tender voice coming from inside. Yunqian, who has been a human being for two generations, can naturally hear what that voice is doing. She secretly called it unlucky, and she just wanted to ask the way , but I didn't intend to smash other people's good deeds.

She knew that in the palace, there was never a lack of secrets. This place is remote, and a couple of men and women have an affair here. There are probably some shady things going on here. She has never been interested in other people's secrets.

She held her breath and was about to leave, but when she heard the noise in the room getting louder and louder, she seemed to have reached a critical moment, her face flushed, she lifted her feet and left, she didn't want to walk faster this time, she didn't pay attention Her feet had already stepped on the ice, and she fell heavily to the ground when she was caught off guard.

She felt that she must be so unlucky this year because of the Tai Sui, at this moment, she heard a man's low voice from inside the room: "Who?"

Yun Qian didn't know how to answer, so she started to run away, but the door of the room was wide open, and a man ran out of the room in disheveled clothes, and grabbed her neck with his arms raised.

Yun Qian raised her eyes, and saw that although the man's clothes were messed up and his pants were not tied securely, he was handsome. He was a rare handsome man, but at this moment his eyes were too violent and murderous.

The man seemed a little surprised to see Yun Qian, and looked at her several times with extremely deep eyes, but the hand on her neck was already a little heavier.

Standing at Yunqian's angle, she could just see the scene in the room at this time, and she could faintly see a stunning beauty half-lying on the small couch. Yunqian had seen that woman once before, and she was the emperor's new recruit last year. A beauty in the palace, her status is not too high, Yun Qian doesn't know her name.

She felt a little difficult to breathe, and knew that if she continued to think wildly at this time, she would be strangled to death by that man. She entered the palace today to pay New Year greetings to the Empress Dowager and the Emperor, and she certainly did not bring poison or silver needles. I don't like wearing Bu Yao phoenix hairpins and the like. Although I dressed up politely when I entered the palace today, the hairpins I chose were not sharp weapons that could hurt people.

(End of this chapter)

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