Chapter 1065 Shameless

Yun Qian saw that the straw of saving her life was far away, and felt a little depressed. She originally hoped that Chu Han would be smart and find out that she was being controlled by others, but he was full of those shady thoughts, and he became angry before he could say a few words.

Could it be that God is going to kill her?She is not reconciled.

It's just that it fell into Chu Shu's hands like this, and it was hard for her to think of a way to escape for a while.

Chu Shu looked Yunqian up and down and said, "Madam is so capable. She is married, yet she still has no clear relationship with my seventh brother. It seems that Madam and my seventh brother have such a relationship, which is a good thing."

Yun Qian wanted to cry, but when things like this happened today, Chu Han thought she was having an affair with Chu Shu, and Chu Shu thought she was having an affair with Chu Han, she really couldn't be a human being.

Seeing that she was silent, Chu Shu said again: "I really didn't expect Madam to be such a flirtatious person. It would be better to be Shu's woman today. We are all our own people, so I can trust Madam."

When Yun Qian heard Chu Shu's words, she felt that people in this world were only more shameless, not the most shameless, and in the royal family, there were many such shameless creatures!
She gritted her teeth and said, "I'm a married woman, the fourth prince is a prince, aren't you afraid of losing your status?"

"Your appearance is exquisite. Although you are a married woman, the taste in it is not bad." As soon as Chu Shu finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to hook her chin.

There was murderous intent in Yunqian's eyes, she really regretted why she didn't bring poison when she entered the palace today, if Chu Shu really did something to her, for her, life would really be worse than death.

A lot of thoughts flashed through her mind, and when Chu Shu clasped her waist again, she heard a rush of footsteps, she was slightly startled, and Chu Shu's eyes narrowed .

But seeing Chu Han rushing over like a gust of wind, he grabbed Yun Qian's hand and said, "Go, speak clearly to me today!"

Chu Shu didn't expect Chu Han to go back and come back, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The moment Chu Han pulled Yun Qian's hand, he had no choice but to quickly withdraw the knife in his hand.

Yun Qian breathed a sigh of relief, although she never wanted to see Chu Han, but Chu Han's behavior was not as vicious as Chu Shu's, at least she would not do that to her in the palace, and she had a way to deal with Chu Han of.

Seeing that Chu Han took Yun Qian away, Chu Shu did not come after him. His eyes narrowed slightly. He felt that Yun Qian had an affair with Chu Han. It's really a good thing for him that Han is so involved.

Over the years, Chu Han has done a lot for Chu Mo, and he is indeed Chu Mo's arm. If he uses Yun Qian's hand to destroy Chu Han in the future, it will be of great benefit to him.

Chu Shu's eyes were condensed, and he turned back to the room. The woman was obviously startled. Chu Shu glanced at her and said, "This place is not safe anymore, don't come here again in the future."

The woman responded: "I always feel that the woman has some background, our matter was broken by her, the fourth prince should be more careful."

"Don't be afraid." Chu Shu smirked, touched the woman's chest and said, "As long as our affairs are not caught on the spot, no one can do anything to us. That woman and Lao Qi have selfishness in the first place, and she I’m afraid I’m here today to have a tryst with Lao Qi. It’s good that she’s not afraid of us now, why should we be afraid of her?”

(End of this chapter)

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