Chapter 1071 It's Impossible
After all, Chu Han is still young, and although he is smart, he is not very prudent. What's more, he has been obsessed with Yun Qian all these days. Now that he has this opportunity, he feels that he can't let her go again, because he doesn't know that this time let her go. She left, when will we see each other again.

He was a little excited at this time, and his actions were not as prudent as in the past, or he could guess some truths when he thought about it carefully, but he never thought about it. He simply thought that Yun Qian was not married, he was not married, He just wanted to marry her.

And if he was half as steady as before at this time, he would definitely find that Yunqian was sitting at the seat of the Chu Palace, her hair had already been rolled up, and she was already married.

When Yun Qian heard his words, she just felt extremely headache. She had no intention of provoking him, but she didn't expect that the teasing earlier would bring her such trouble, nor did she expect that Chu Han would be so stubborn.

She looked at Chu Han and said, "I'm already married, please respect the Seventh Prince."

"Don't lie to me again!" Chu Han's eyes were full of disbelief, and his voice couldn't help being a little louder.

Seeing that his voice was loud and everyone around looked over, Yunqian felt even more headache. Chu Han stretched out his hand to hold Yunqian's hand again, and held Chu Han's hand with both hands at the right time.

Chu Han raised his eyes, and when he saw that it was Chu Yuanzhou, he said angrily: "Don't spoil my good deeds, otherwise I will never end with you! Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you!"

Chu Yuanzhou once heard Yun Qian talk about the matter between her and Chu Han, and his eyes lighted up and said: "The Seventh Prince doesn't need to be afraid of me, but it seems a little inappropriate to hold a woman's hand in public. "

Chu Han didn't like Chu Yuanzhou in the first place, so his face turned cold, and he said coldly: "Stop pretending to be a gentleman in front of me. In the early years, you probably did this kind of thing countless times!"

"The seventh prince also said that it was some years ago, not now." Chu Yuanzhou was smiling, his eyes were full of frost, he said unhurriedly: "I, the prodigal son, have turned back, why, Does the Seventh Prince want to follow the path I walked before?"

"I will walk the road you have walked before." Chu Han said with disdain in his eyes: "You have already married a wife, so don't worry about other people's affairs!"

Chu Yuanzhou tilted his head slightly, looked Chu Han up and down, and said, "I'm not taking care of other people's affairs now, but my own family affairs. The Seventh Prince wants to drag other women to do it casually." , but how can I not care about arguing with my wife like this?"

"Your wife?" Chu Han said with a smile: "The son's words are really funny. Who doesn't know that you married Yun Qian, the crazy and silly fifth lady in Yunfu. That woman is ugly, fierce and crazy, so how could it be her?" ?”

When he heard Chu Yuanzhou's words, his first reaction was impossible. He had seen Yunqian before. Although he couldn't see clearly through the gauze hat, how could that fierce appearance be the woman sitting in front of him?
While the two were talking, there were many people around, and Princess Xi was among them. She remembered what happened when Chu Mo got married last time, and she had a smile in her eyes. She couldn't help but glance at Yun Qian, But he didn't point it out, he just watched the show from the sidelines.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled slightly when he heard the words: "It turns out that the Seventh Prince has always wanted to be cheap, Qianqian, the Seventh Prince has always misunderstood you, you come and tell the Seventh Prince who you are."

(End of this chapter)

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