Chapter 1075 Why do you do it
Chu Yuanzhou sat beside Yunqian and said, "Qianqian, the Seventh Prince seems to care about you very much!"

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and she said softly: "So in the future, the son of the world must treat me better, your wife is still very popular."

"I'll chop anyone who dares to think of you." There was a bit of chill in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes.

The corners of Yunqian's mouth rose slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Well, the son of the world is the most protective man in the world, and also the most manly man, so my heart is firmly tied to the son of the son, and no one can hold him. Move half a minute."

Chu Yuanzhou also had a smile in his eyes when he heard the words, he glanced at her and said, "It's more or less the same."

Yun Qian smiled, and put a meatball for him in the bowl. Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows, and there was a warm smile in his eyes. He knew that she was apologizing to him by doing so. He never kept secrets, and he also knew that Yunqian didn't intend to provoke Chu Han, so it was a good thing that this matter was over.

At this moment, the door opened again, and several eunuchs brought in a large bucket of honey, and then distributed the honey to everyone one by one.

The emperor didn't see Chu Shu, so he couldn't help frowning, the empress' eyes lightened a little, an eunuch walked up to the empress and said a word softly, the empress' face changed, and she waved her hand lightly, the eunuch then go down.

Concubine De saw that the queen's expression was not right, and asked with concern: "Why isn't the fourth prince here yet? Could something have happened?"

The queen took a look at Concubine De but whispered in the emperor's ear: "When Shu'er went to fetch honey today, somehow he attracted a swarm of bees, which stung him, so he can't come today."

The emperor asked a little strangely: "It's so cold, where are the bees?"

"The concubine doesn't know, and I have already sent someone to investigate." The queen said softly, "This matter is really weird."

The emperor also frowned slightly, but didn't say much. Concubine De had sharp ears, and listened to everything the empress said to the emperor, and she said unhurriedly: "Bee will fly out in winter, It's really weird, could it be that someone deliberately let it go?"

The queen didn't answer, but Concubine De said again: "The fourth prince, one of the princes, is not afraid of losing his status if he goes to carry Baihuami himself?"

The queen was a little annoyed when she heard the words, but still said with a smile on her face: "The matter of Baihuami is of great importance, so what's wrong with letting the prince carry it?"

"There is nothing wrong with it, but why doesn't the Empress let the First Prince move, the Second Prince move, and the Third Prince move, but let the Fourth Prince move instead?" Concubine De said with a smile: "The concubine heard that a few days ago The Fourth Prince accidentally shot a pigeon raised by the First Prince to death, but the Empress is venting her anger for the First Prince?"

What she meant was that Chu Shu was stung by bees, which was arranged by the queen. The queen's eyes were filled with anger, and she said coldly, "What does Defei mean?"

The emperor's eyes were already a bit displeased, the emperor knew about the discord between the empress and concubine De, but he was a little annoyed by the quarrel on a day like today.

Concubine De is the best at observing facial expressions. When she saw the emperor's expression was not right, she turned around and said: "The concubine has no other intentions, but is just thinking that if the eldest prince goes to carry Baihuami today, maybe the second prince will not Was beaten by the First Prince."

"What's going on?" The emperor frowned upon hearing this and said, "Why did Yuan'er beat Yi'er when he was doing well?"

(End of this chapter)

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