Chapter 1077 Emperor's Reward
Looking at this scene, Chu Yuanzhou knew it in his heart, and secretly sighed that Chu Yi is also a good person. If Chu Yi told the emperor today that it was Chu Yuan who was soaked in tea stains, he would feel uneasy in the emperor's heart. At this time, if you take the matter to yourself, you can still get an impression of generosity and respect. This is a very clever move.

After leaving the banquet, a sage announced that he entered Chu Yi's residence, saying that he had made great contributions in compiling the history books, and that he was in charge of the editing of the Imperial Academy. He was officially promoted to the commander of the forbidden army, in charge of the palace and the security of the capital.I also rewarded him with a lot of things, ranging from seasonal cloths to palace treasures, everything that one expects to find.

Chu Yi respectfully accepted it, with a calm face, and Eunuch Zhu, who came to impart the knowledge, said meaningfully: "Congratulations to the second prince for coming through all hardships."

Chu Yi glanced at Eunuch Zhu, didn't speak, just bowed deeply to Eunuch Zhu and said, "Thank you, Eunuch, for your kind words to the emperor."

Eunuch Zhu hurriedly helped him up and said: "The second prince's great gift, I can't bear it, when I was dying of illness, if Ling Meiren hadn't invited the imperial physician for me, I'm afraid I would have reported to King Yama already. Ling Mei has great kindness to her slaves. Before she died, she asked her slaves to take good care of the second prince. The servants are weak. Over the years, they have been entrusted by Ling Mei. Now that the second prince has been favored, Ling Mei who wants to come to the Nine Springs can also rest in peace. gone."

Chu Yi’s biological mother was a maidservant before she was alive, and she was married to the emperor for only one night, but she accidentally became pregnant with Chu Yi. Although she was promoted as a beauty, her status has always been very low, and her appearance is just ordinary among ordinary people , it would be ugly among concubines. Although the emperor called her a beauty, it was ironic.

She and the emperor had only been married for one night, and had never been favored at all. It took a lot of effort to help Eunuch Zhu, so Eunuch Zhu has always been grateful for her kindness.

Chu Yi said slowly: "My father-in-law is now a big celebrity in front of my father, and I still remember the past love. It is really rare to be so grateful. Chu Yi can return to the palace this time, knowing that the father-in-law is from the palace. It took a lot of strength. Chu Yi has been in Ningde for many years, and there is nothing long around him, so Xu Yinliang is just thinking, hoping to get into the eyes of the father-in-law."

After he finished speaking, he took out a bank note from his pocket and handed it to Eunuch Zhu.

Eunuch Zhu looked at the banknote and smiled, but he didn't reach out to take it, he just said indifferently: "I owe Ling Mei a life, this is what a slave should do. The second prince has just entered the court, and there are still many things to do in the future." If you need to manage it, how can the servant collect money from the second prince?"

Chu Yi saw that his face was firm and there was no trace of greed. Knowing that he was sincerely helping, Chu Yi couldn't help being forced immediately, took the money back, looked at Zhu Gonggong and said: "Chu Yi has written down the kindness of my father-in-law."

Chu Yi didn't promise Eunuch Zhu any benefits, but Eunuch Zhu was very comfortable listening, he looked at Chu Yi and said: "I have lived in the palace for a long time, and although I don't know the art of matching people, I still feel that I am quite accurate in judging people. The prince is calm and majestic, with an extraordinary bearing, and he will surely become a majestic one in the future."

"Thank you for your auspicious words." Chu Yi said indifferently: "Chu Yi only wants to have a safe place to live and live, and it is good not to be bullied by evil slaves."

Eunuch Zhu smiled and said, "The second prince's ambition is more than that."

Chu Yi's eyes moved slightly, Eunuch Zhu bent his waist deeply, gave a big gift, retreated with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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