Chapter 1082 What is the big deal
Ye Wuchen had already arrived, and was drinking tea at the side, just now when he saw Chu Yuanzhou coming, he just made a slight salute, then went back to drink tea, and didn't even bother to say hello.

He was originally indifferent to the affairs of the two of them, but when he heard Chu Mo's words, his eyes darkened a little, his movement of drinking tea slowed down, he put the tea cup down to his lips, then picked up the lid and gently turned it After skimming off the tea foam, my ears were pricked up.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled when he heard Chu Mo's words: "The words of King Ming are so strange, dare to ask King Ming, what does it mean to make a big deal?"

Chu Mo said indifferently: "The son is a member of the royal family, and I am afraid that he knows much more about the affairs of the royal family than I do. For the children of the royal family, there is only one so-called major event. I don't need me to break it out."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Did Ming Wang think too much?"

"I'm afraid I don't think much at all. I didn't quite understand why the son kept a distance from me before. Now it seems that he just wants to protect the second brother, and the son really has the heart."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were dark, and his mind was spinning very fast at this moment. He smiled lightly and took a sip of tea. When he raised his head up, there was still a strong smile in his eyes. He said unhurriedly : "That's right, the second prince and I are a little closer than King Ming and the other princes, but this kind of closeness doesn't have the things that Prince Ming thinks about."

"Oh?" Chu Mo's eyes moved slightly, and the eyes looked deeper at Chu Yuanzhou.

Chu Yuanzhou put down the teacup and said calmly: "The second prince lived in Ningde for a long time and was abandoned by the emperor. Everyone knows about it. What others don't know is that he was bullied by his subordinates in Ningde when he was a child, and his life was miserable. Although Prince Ming is not the Empress's direct descendant, he is protected by Concubine Virtue and has always been in good health and carefree, so he will not know what kind of life the Second Prince is living."

Chu Mo's eyes moved slightly, and Chu Yuanzhou sighed again: "Ming Wang and the second prince are brothers, but they rarely see each other for several years, and they will never be close. The meaning of the emperor is to be extremely affectionate, but in fact, whoever is favored will be favored by the world, and those servants and guards will respect me. King Ming also knows my temperament. Although I was famous for my talent when I was young, but But I like to pick fish and shrimp, climb trees and catch birds."

Chu Mo glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, but Chu Yuanzhou drank another big sip of tea, and then slowly said: "When I was young, the second prince accompanied me to do these things the most."

Chu Mo said indifferently: "I know that the son is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, but feelings belong to feelings. It seems that betting on his life is over. Some things need to be thought about."

"Ming Wang thinks too much." Chu Yuanzhou stood up after saying this, patted the corner of his clothes, and looked into the depths of Chu Mo's heart with a pair of dark eyes. Expecting Chu Yuanzhou to have such an imposing manner, he almost wanted to retreat, but he soon came back to his senses and stood there motionless.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes turned, and he put away the sharpness in his eyes. There was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and in an instant he returned to the old foolish man who was a bit rambunctious. He said unhurriedly: "Two The prince doesn't have the same thoughts as Prince Ming, he just wants to stay by the emperor's side and feel a little bit of father-son affection."

(End of this chapter)

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